As part of the stimulation and development of co-operation in the IT field, MR-U set up a group of eminent external experts to advise the Nordic Council of Ministers on IT issues. The group devised four future scenarios based on forces for change in the world a large. The scenarios are presented in this report, along with analyses and recommendations. The scenario method is a tried and tested tool in both public policy and in strategic business contexts. It is well suited to making forward-looking strategic observations in a changing world. Globalisation, climate change, the financial crisis, servicification and other external factors influence the nature of Nordic co-operation and help our countries to continue to develop as prosperous, knowledgeable and innovative societies in the face of fierce competition and specific framework conditions. The report focuses on identifying priorities that will underpin the development of ICT-based services. The report can be used as an inventory of potential areas, to identify and develop candidates for Nordic co-operation and, above all else, to stimulate discussion on potential areas for Nordic IT co-operation.