Sustainable development - New bearings for the Nordic Countries: Revised edition with goals and priorities 2009-2012
Ansvarig organisation
2009 (Engelska)Övrigt (Övrig (populärvetenskap, debatt, mm))
Abstract [en]
The Nordic strategy ”Sustainable Development – New Bearings for the Nordic Countries” sets long-term development goals for the Nordic region for the period up to 2020, and describes the goals and initiatives to which the region is committed between 2009 and 2012. A sustainable principle is the mainstreaming of environmental concerns and sustainable development into sectoral policies and other policy areas. The social welfare perspective and the economic considerations on sustainable development are included in the strategy. In four chapters the strategy sets up goals and prioritised areas for Climate and renewable energy, Sustainable production and consumption, The Nordic welfare state as a tool for sustainable development, Education and research, participation of the population and local sustainability strategies.
Ort, förlag, år, sidor
Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers , 2009. , s. 40
ANP ; 2009:727
Nyckelord [fi]
Hyvinvointi, kestävä kehitys, Koulutus, elintarvikkeet, kansantalous ja valtion talousarvio, lapset ja nuoret, kalastus, ympäristö, metsätalous, energia, liikenne, maatalous
Nyckelord [da]
Velfærd, Bæredygtig udvikling, Uddannelse, Fødevarer, Samfundsøkonomi og statsbudget, Børn og unge, Fiskeri, Miljø, Skovbrug, Energi, Transport, Jordbrug
Nyckelord [is]
Velferð, Sjálfbær þróun, Menntun, Matvæli, Þjóðhagfræði og fjárlög ríkisins, Börn og unglingar, Fiskveiðar, Umhverfi, Skógrækt, Orka, Samgöngur, Landbúnaður
Nyckelord [no]
Velferd, Bærekraftig utvikling, Utdanning, Næringsmidler, Samfunnsøkonomi og statsbudsjett, Barn og unge, Fiskeri, Miljø, Skogbruk, Energi, Transport, Jordbruk
Välfärd; Hållbar utveckling; Utbildning; Matvaror; Samhällsekonomi och statsbudget; Barn och unga; Fiske; Miljö; Skogsbruk; Energi; Transport; Jordbruk; Grön tillväxt
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-484ISBN: 978-92-893-1863-1 (tryckt)OAI:, id: diva2:700771