The Nordic countries have reached a stage where the national level of development in the use of IT applications has extended to a Nordic level. This is partly a result of the Collaborative Net-work of Nordic eHealth Competence Centres, a voluntary group for experience exchange and common activities regarding ICT in healthcare. However, this Nordic co-operation needs to be strengthened and more structured, with the appropriate re-sources, legal foundation, skills and capacity, to further develop and exploit common solutions. This report is the result of a study carried out on request of the Nordic Council of Ministers, by Ministers for Social Affairs and Health. It has been carried out by the partners of the Collabora-tive Network of Nordic eHealth Competence Centres (Med-Com/Denmark, KITH/Norway, STAKES/Finland, Ministry of Health/Iceland, and Carelink/Sweden). The report describes the use of IT in health care and social services in the Nordic coun-tries. The purpose of the study is to enhance the opportunity for the Nordic countries to learn from each other and to co-operate in a larger extent.