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Foreldrekraft – en kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse av foreldre til barn med Downs syndrom, multifunksjonshemning og autisme om deres opplevelser i møte med helse- og sosialkontorene og helsestasjonene
Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic School of Public Health NHV.
2007 (Norwegian)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))Student thesisAlternative title
Power of parents – Parents to children with Downs syndrome, multidisabledand autisms experiencesin meetings with healthcare centres and social service (English)
Abstract [no]

Hensikten var og få kunnskap om hvordan foreldre til barn med Downs syndrom, multifunksjonshemming og autisme opplevde møte med og oppfølgingen fra helse- og sosialkontorene og helsestasjonene. Hvordan opplevde foreldre den innsats de selv måtte gjøre for å få de rettigheter de hadde krav på og opplevelse av om foreldre fikk den hjelp som var barnets behov. Studien ble utført i en middels stor by i Vest Norge.

Metode: I studien ble metoden Grounded theory anvendt. Det ble gjort en kvalitativ intervjuundersøkelse med 14 foreldre. Intervjuformen var semistrukturell. Informasjon om undersøkelsen ble sendt ut via kontaktpersoner fra helsestasjoner og helse- og sosialkontor i kommunen. Intervjuene ble foretatt hjemme hos foreldrene eller på en helsestasjon i kommunen.

Resultater: Funn viste at mange foreldreopplevelser innebar hvordan fagfolk påvirket deres mestringsevne, omsorg, oppfølging, stell og pleie, positivt og negativt alt etter hvordan fagfolk involverte seg i arbeidet med å yte hjelp eller ikke til familiene. Studiens kjernekategori ble Foreldrekraft. Det framkom fem hovedkategorier: Barnets hjelpeløshet, Foreldres resurser og mestringsevne, Fagfolks involvering, Politisk styring og Nettverk. Positiv hjelp og holding fra fagpersoner støttet og hjalp foreldrene, mens negative holdninger og/eller manglende handlinger svekket foreldrekraften. Politisk styring hadde innvirkning på hvordan fagfolk handlet. Venner og nettverk var og faktorer som påvirket foreldrekraften til en viss gad.

Konklusjon: Fagfolk ved helse- og sosialkontorer og helsestasjoner innvirker positivt og negativ på foreldrekraften. Foreldre opplevde at de måtte lete etter svar, kjempe for sine rettigheter og be om hjelp. Foreldrekraften var det kontinuerlige i arbeidet med barna. Funn ved studien viste at det kan være behov for kompetansehevingsplaner for fagpersonell i arbeidet med disse barna og deres familier. Dessuten få til gode ordninger for brukermedvirkning

Abstract [en]

The Purpose of the study was to gain knowledgeabout how parents with children that have Downs syndrome, are multi disabled and with autism experience the health care centres and the social services. How did the parents experience the effort they had to do to claim their rights and to make sure that their child received the care she/he was entitled on. The study took place in a middle sized city located in the west of Norway

Method: In the study Grounded theory was applied as the main research method. A qualitative interview method has been used where 14 parents were interviewed. The interview guide was semistructured. Information about the research was done through contact persons from the healthcare centers or the social service office. The interviews took place either at the parent’s home or at the health care centres.

The results: The findings showed that many parents experienced that the health and social professionals influenced the parent’s ability, care,and nursing, positive or negative depending on how involved in their work the health professional was. The core category of the study became The power of parents. This emerged from the five main categories: The helplessness of the child, The resources and abilities of the parents, The level of involvement from the professionals, The political actions and Network. Positive support and attitude from health and social professionals have supportive and helping affect on the parents, while negative attitude and lack of involvement weaken The power of parents. Political actions had influence on how the professionals acted. The parents’ network was also a component that influenced the level of the power of parents.

Conclusion: Professionals working at the health care centres or at the social services affect the power of parents positive or negative. The parents experienced that they had to search for answers, fight for their rights and ask for help. The power of the parents were the continuously in the work with the children. The findings in the study show a need for increased competence among the professionals in their work with these children and their families. In addition, collaborate with the parents about new resolutions

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2007. , p. 65
Master of Public Health, MPH, ISSN 1104-5701 ; MPH 2007:6
Keywords [en]
Children, Disability, Health Service, Social Welfare, Multi Disabled, Power of Parents
Keywords [no]
disability, health service, sosial velferd, funksjonshemmede, barn och funktionshinde
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-3228OAI:, id: diva2:730310
2007-01-26, Nordic School of Public Health NHV, Box 12133, 402 42 Göteborg, Sweden, 13:01 (Norwegian)

ISBN 978-91-85721-06-1

Available from: 2014-06-27 Created: 2014-06-27 Last updated: 2015-01-22Bibliographically approved

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