NOMESCO was notified of the recommendations in Könberg’s report for developinghealth care cooperation between the Nordic countries in 2014. In the jointpreparation of work programmes for the statistical committees NOMESCO andNOSOSCO, the Finnish government indicated willingness to assume leadership inconducting a pre-study on patient mobility. Project preparation was dovetailed intothe preparations of Finland’s Presidency of Nordic cooperation in 2016.After the preliminary project plan was presented at the NOMESCOs and NOSOSCOsbudget and planning meeting on 8 December 2015 in Copenhagen and receivingadditional comments to the project description and the content of the project plan,the Finnish team finalised the project description in the annual sector program forthe Minister Council for Social Policy and Health.The aims of the preliminary study are:• to prepare system descriptions, how the Nordic countries and autonomousareas have solved patient mobility questions and the practical arrangements• to map and present the existing statistics on patient mobility• to prepare a proposal how health statistics should be developed in the future• to consider, if a full-size project on patient mobility in the Nordic countriesshould be launched