Public service media (PSM) have been increasingly propagating their market importance in policy and public rhetoric to legitimate their relevance in times of cutbacks and increasing pressure. This chapter presents an in-depth case study of the policy and strategic process leading up to Streamz, a joint subscription video-on-demand service put forward as a strategy to economically sustain local content in an increasingly platform-dominated media environment in Flanders. The chapter follows a policy-analysis approach. I provide a chronological account based on an analysis of public documents, written and oral records of industry events, and a close reading of policy documents and newspaper articles. The case demonstrates the complexities PSM face in defending their multiplatform strategy, while at the same time being increasingly intertwined in different forms of competition with media players. The case study adds evidence to the research field investigating PSM’s role in the digital marketplace and has wider significance for PSM in various European markets that are facing a policy push to increasingly support market activities.