Nordic workshop on action related to Short-lived Climate Forcers: Organised by the Nordic Council of Ministers Climate and Air Quality Group
Responsible organisation
2013 (English)Book (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
Nordic Ministers of Environment adopted in March 2012 the “Svalbard Declaration” with decisions to reduce the negative impacts of the climate changes and air pollution caused by the emission of the so-called Short-lived Climate Forcers (SLCFs) such as black carbon (soot) and methane. Along with CO2, they are the main reasons why the ice in the Arctic now is melting rapidly. At a workshop organised by the Nordic Group on Climate and Air Quality in June 2012 researchers and policy-makers discussed the recent scientific findings, the national experiences with emission inventories, identification of cost-effective measures to cut emissions and the drawing up of national action plans as well as the development in the field of international co-operation on SLCFs.The report presents policy recommendations, conclusions and recommendations on scientific research and monitoring.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers , 2013. , p. 89
TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692 ; 2012:567
Keywords [fi]
Arktis, terveys, Hyvinvointi, kestävä kehitys, Venäjä, Vihreä kasvu, kemikaalit, ympäristö, energia
Keywords [da]
Arktis, Sundhed, Velfærd, Bæredygtig udvikling, Rusland, Grøn vækst, Kemikalier, Miljø, Energi
Keywords [is]
Norðurskautið, Heilsa, Velferð, Sjálfbær þróun, Rússland, Grænn hagvöxtur, Efni, Umhverfi, Orka
Keywords [no]
Arktis, Helse, Velferd, Bærekraftig utvikling, Rusland, Grønn vekst, Kjemikalier, Miljø, Energi
Research subject
Arctic; Health; Welfare; Sustainable development; Russia; Green growth; Chemicals; Environment; Energy
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-888DOI: 10.6027/TN2012-567ISBN: 978-92-893-2503-5 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:701196