Health Innovation in the Nordic countries – Short Version
Responsible organisation
2010 (English)Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [en]
Short Version of the report ANP 2010:764 Health Innovation in the Nordic Countries – Public Private Collaboration
Place, publisher, year, pages
Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers , 2010. , p. 16
ANP ; 2010:765
Keywords [fi]
terveys, Hyvinvointi, elinkeinoelämä, globalisaatio, innovointi, työelämä, julkinen talous
Keywords [da]
Sundhed, Velfærd, Erhvervsliv, Globalisering, Innovation, Arbejdsliv, Offentlige finanser
Keywords [is]
Heilsa, Velferð, Atvinnulíf, Hnattvæðing, Nýsköpun, Atvinnulíf, Opinber fjármögnun
Keywords [no]
Helse, Velferd, Næringsliv, Globalisering, Innovasjon, Arbeidsliv, Offentlige finanser
Research subject
Health; Welfare; Business; Globalisation; Innovation; Labour and employment; Public finance
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-1057ISBN: 978-92-893-2140-2 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:701367