The Nordic e-commerce strategy was finalised during 2003 by the Nordic ad hoc working group for electronic commerce and other IT-related issues. The working group was a joint working group for two policy areas within the Nordic Council of Ministers, the strategy covers both consumer policy and trade and industry policy. The basic idea for the strategy was that e-commerce is an important means for welfare and growth. The recommendations from the working group in the consumer area focus on increased awareness among both consumers and enterprises about their rights and obligations in the area of e-commerce. The working group also encourage joint projects between various stakeholders in the Nordic countries. Special focus should be made on strengthening children’s and youngsters’ position on the e-commerce market. The industry related recommendations enhance the importance of increased awareness and education in order to increase enterprises understanding of the benefits that e-business can bring and knowledge in how to use this potential. The lack of standardisation and interoperability between different e-business systems can constitute a barrier for e-business and should be closely monitored. The governments play an important role as a role model in its use of IT and e-commerce and should therefore strive to increase the public use and supply of e-services. On a Nordic level the development of the above mentioned areas should be monitored and exchange of experiences and good examples should be encouraged, both from the consumer and industry perspective.. There is a great potential for increased collaboration and joint perspective between the Nordic countries regarding the promotion of e-commerce and for the enhancement of a Nordic market as part of the international market.