BASREC Regional Handbook on Procedures for Joint Implementation in the Baltic Sea Region: Version 2 June 2006
Responsible organisation
2008 (English)Book (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
This report presents the third evaluation of the Nordic Swan ecolabelling scheme. The evaluation is conducted from the perspective of the public administration, and it examines the role of the Nordic Swan in a policy context. Recommendations are presented for authorities in the Nordic countries and for the bodies operating the schemes on a Nordic and national level. The evaluation focuses on current opportunities and challenges in the operating environment of the scheme. It examines the relations between the Nordic Swan and the EU Eco-label in the Nordic countries, including their governance procedures, popularity and reception in the market. Other current topics addressed include the progress achieved by the Nordic marketing strategy for the Swan and some current governance issues in the scheme, including the grounds for public funding for the Nordic Swan. The report also analyses the relations between the Swan and other environmental information systems. In particular, the report investigates the opportunities and challenges ensuing from the current attention to climate issues for the Nordic Swan. The printed report will be available mid April 2008
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers , 2008. , p. 128
TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692 ; 2008:508
Keywords [fi]
ilmasto, kestävä kehitys, energia, ympäristö
Keywords [da]
Klima, Bæredygtig udvikling, Energi, Miljø
Keywords [is]
Loftslag, Sjálfbær þróun, Orka, Umhverfi
Keywords [no]
Klima, Bærekraftig utvikling, Energi, Miljø
Research subject
Climate; Sustainable development; Energy; Environment
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-1538DOI: 10.6027/TN2008-508ISBN: 978-92-893-1643-9 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:701871