Within CEN/TC 295/WG5, i.e. European committee for standardization, technical committee 295 working group 5 - Test Methodss, work on a new common particulate test method was initiated year 2005. The starting point was four different national methods for measurements of particles. (The national methods are for U.K., Norway, Austria, and Germany.) The objective of the work presented in this report is to give a Nordic influence on the ongoing work on a common European method for measurements of particles during residentiial combustion of solid fuel. In the long-term this method will contribute to better control of the environmental performances of the residential combustors and of emission levels. The work reported has been performed during year 2006, and consist of two main parts: I) A Nordic work-whop with purpose to exchange experiences from different kinds of particle measurements methods, and give common Nordic input on the draft standard for particulate emissions. II) Participation in the process of developing a common European method for measuterments of particulate emissions from residential solid combustion within CEN.