How to best teach bioethics: Report from a workshop March 2003 organised by The Nordic Committee on Bioethics and NorFA
Responsible organisation
2004 (English)Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [en]
The stage is the magic place where all is possible and where everything becomes true and visible. There is, in most ethical theories, a wide gap between knowing and doing, between understanding and taking actual responsibility. In drama we can act out and test what is in our thoughts and theories. ” Martti Lindqvist Using as a case the problems related to biotechnology and the end of life, I will show the importance of encounters between cultures in understanding moral phenomena, and how such encounters can be realised in the teaching of bioethics.” Susanne Lundin I think casuistry is one of the best approaches for making the teaching of bioethics work for students and professionals alike. It encompasses familiar tools of recognition and comparison, presupposes judgement and virtues and is based on a fertile ground of shared values.” Knut W. Ruyter There is a basic assumption within narrative ethics that narratives are indispensable both with regard to the understanding, the assessment, and the performance of moral action.” Beate Indrebø Hovland One way of describing the objective of these courses is to develop these students’ ability to reflect in a mature and responsible way on the actions and possible consequences of their own research activities, one might say to bridge the gap between their duties as researchers and their duties as citizens.” Roger Strand
Place, publisher, year, pages
Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers , 2004. , p. 190
TemaNord, ISSN 0908-6692 ; 2004:519
Keywords [fi]
tutkimus, ympäristö, korkea-asteen koulutus
Keywords [da]
Forskning, Miljø, Højere uddannelse
Keywords [is]
Rannsóknir, Umhverfi, Háskólanám
Keywords [no]
Forskning, Miljø, Høyere utdannelse
Research subject
Research; Environment; Higher education
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-2010DOI: 10.6027/TN2004-519ISBN: 92-893-1005-7 (print)OAI:, id: diva2:702377