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Comparison of QuantiFERON®TB Gold with tuberculin skin test to improve diagnostics and routine screening for tuberculosis infection among newly arrived asylum seekers to Norway
Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic School of Public Health NHV.
2008 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))Student thesisAlternative title
Sammenligning av QuantiFERON®TB Gold med tuberkulin hudtest for å forbedre diagnostikk og rutinemessig screening for tuberkulosesmitte blant nyankomne asylsøkere til Norge (Norwegian)
Abstract [en]

Introduksjon: QuantiFERON®TB Gold (QFT) er en ny blodtest for påvisning av tuberkulosesmitte, men med få data så langt fra undersøkelse av immigranter. Målet med studien var å sammenligne resultat av QFT og tuberkulin hudtest blant nyankomne asylsøkere i Norge og å vurdere hvilken rolle QFT bør ha i screening for latent tuberkulose.

Metode: Alle asylsøkere, 18 år eller eldre, som ankom Tanum asylmottak fra september 2005 ble invitert til å delta og ble inkludert etter informert samtykke. Inkludering pågikk inntil et forhåndsbestemt antall på 1000 inkluderte ble nådd. Siste deltager ble inkludert i juni 2006. Deltagelse innebar en QFT test og standardiserte spørsmål, i tillegg til den lovpålagte tuberkulintesten og lungerøntgen.

Resultat: Totalt 2813 asylsøkere ankom Tanum asylmottak i inkluderingsperioden (sept 05-juni 06).  Blant de 1000 deltagerne hadde 912 gyldige testresultater og ble inkludert i analysen, 29 % (264) hadde positiv QFT, mens 50 % (460) hadde positiv tuberkulintest (indurasjon > 6mm). Det indikerer en høy andel smittede personer i denne gruppen. Blant deltagere med positiv tuberkulintest hadde 50 % negativ QFT, mens 7 % av dem med negativ tuberkulintest hadde positiv QFT. Det var en signifikant sammenheng mellom økning i tuberkulinutslag og sannsynligheten for å ha positiv QFT. Samsvar mellom testene var 71-79%, avhengig av grenseverdi for tuberkulin. Det var bedre samsvar mellom testene for ikke-vaksinerte personer.

Konklusjon: Ved å implementere QFT som rutine kan videre oppfølging avsluttes for 42% av dem som ville ha blitt henvist basert kun på tuberkulinresultat (> 6mm). Andelen som henvises vil være den samme enten QFT implementeres som erstatning for eller som supplement for å bekrefte en positiv tuberkulinreaksjon, men antallet som testes vil variere mye. Ulike tilnærminger vil identifisere samme andel (88-89%) av asylsøkere med positiv QFT og/eller sterkt positiv tuberkulinutslag (>15mm), men ulike grupper vil mistes.

Abstract [no]

Introduction: QuantiFERON®TB Gold (QFT), a new blood test that detects tuberculosis infection, currently provides few data from immigrant screening. This study aimed to compare results of QFT and tuberculin skin tests (TST) among newly arrived asylum seekers in Norway and also assess the role of QFT in screening for latent tuberculosis.

Methods: All asylum seekers, 18 years or older, who arrived at Tanum reception center from September 2005 were invited to participate and included after informed consent. Enrollment was continued until a fixed sample size of 1000 participants was reached. The last participant was included in June 2006. In addition to mandatory TST and chest X-ray, study participants underwent a QFT test and answered standardized questions.

Results: A total of 2813 asylum seekers arrived at Tanum reception center during the inclusion period. Among the 1000 study participants, 912 showed valid test results and were included in analysis; 29% (264) had a positive QFT test and 50% (460) tested positive with TST (indurations >6 mm), indicating a high proportion of latent infection within this population. Among the TST-positive participants, 50% were QFT-negative, whereas 7% of the TST-negative participants were QFT-positive. A significant association occurred between increase in size of TST induration and positive QFT result. Test agreement (71%–79%) depended on the chosen TST cut-off and was higher for nonvaccinated individuals.

Conclusions: By implementing QFT as a routine screening test further follow up can be avoided for 42% of asylum seekers who would have been referred based only on a positive TST (>6 mm). The proportion of individuals referred remained the same whether QFT replaced TST or confirmed a positive TST; however, the number of individuals tested varied greatly. Different approaches would identify the same proportion (88%-89%) of asylum seekers with either a positive QFT or a strongly positive TST (>15 mm), but different groups will be missed.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2008. , p. 43
Master of Public Health, MPH, ISSN 1104-5701 ; MPH 2008:15
Keywords [en]
Tuberculosis, Screening, Tuberculin Skin Test, QuantiFERON®TB Gold
Keywords [no]
Tuberkulose, screening, tuberkulin hudtest, QuantiFERON®TB Gold
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-3182OAI:, id: diva2:724416
2008-09-05, Nordic School of Public Health NHV, Box 12133, 402 42 Göteborg, Sweden, 00:00 (English)

ISBN 978-91-85721-53-5

Available from: 2014-06-12 Created: 2014-06-12 Last updated: 2014-07-07Bibliographically approved

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