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Bygdesundhedspersonalets erfaringer med telemedicin i det grønlandske sundhedsvæsen: et kvalitativt studie
Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic School of Public Health NHV.
2014 (Danish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))Student thesisAlternative title
Healthcare workers experiences with telemedicinein Greenland’s remote settlements : a qualitative study (English)
Abstract [da]

Formål: At få viden om bygdesundhedspersonalets erfaringer med asynkron telemedicin i Grønland, samt deres opfattelse af hvad telemedicin betyder for deres praksis og for dem selv som sundhedspersonale.

Metode: Studiet er beskrivende med en induktiv tilgang. Telefoninterview med sundhedspersonale i bygderne, blev analyseret ved hjælp af kvalitativ indholdsanalyse. Der indgik 15 interview i studiet. Intervieweneblev lavet i perioden fra maj 2013 til maj 2014.

Resultat: To kategorierfremkom ved analysen: (i) Bruges som rutine eller efter behov afhængig af færdigheder, teknik og arbejdsgang på stedet, (ii) Bedre muligheder for at få hjælp til diagnosticering fra sygehuset giver mere sikkerhed. Bygdesundhedspersonalets erfaringer er at telemedicin kunne forbedre muligheden for at få hjælp fra det nærmeste sundhedscenter, til at få stillet en diagnose. Specielt muligheden for at konferere en patient med en sygeplejerske eller en læge, ved at sende EKG og fotos med telemedicin til sundhedscentret eller sygehuset, kunne givedem mere tryghed for at deres patienter fiken korrekt behandling. Bygdesundhedspersonalets problemer med at beskrive og forklare hvad de observerede hos en patient, kunne formindskesnår lægen selv kunne se hvad der var galt på et foto. Generelt oplevede bygdesundhedspersonalet at patienterne var tilfredse når de brugtetelemedicin.Der var forskelle i organisering og brug af telemedicin. Utilstrækkeligefærdigheder i at betjene udstyret og tekniske problemer, havdebetydning for hvor meget bygdesundhedspersonalet brugtetelemedicin i deres praksis. Den støtte bygdesundhedspersonalet fik fra sundhedscentret der modtogde telemedicinskesager og organisering af forløbet af en telemedicinsagvarierede.

Konklusion: Ulighed i sundhed og i adgang til sundhedsvæsnet for befolkningen i bygderne vil kunnemindskes ved brug af telemedicin i det primære sundhedsvæsen. Telemedicin vil kunne forbedre kvaliteten i den primære sundhedstjeneste og arbejdsforholdene for personalet, men integrationen af telemedicin vil kunne give udfordringer for både organisationen og personale

Abstract [en]

Purpose: This study aimed to learn how healthcare workers in Greenland’s remote settlements experience asynchronous telemedicine. It also aimed to determine how telemedicine affects healthcare practice and its providers in the settlements.

Method: This descriptive study used an inductive approach to interview 15 healthcare providers in remote settlements between May 2013 and May 2014. All data were analysed using qualitative content analysis.

Result:Analysis revealed two categories: (i) telemedicine used routinely or according to need, depending on skills, technical issues, and local work procedures, and (ii) improved possibilities for hospital-based diagnostic support increases patients safety and security. Interviewees reported that telemedicinecould improve their ability to obtain diagnostic assistance from the nearest health center. In particular, respondents felt that using telemedicine to consult with a nurse or medical officer by forwarding electrocardiograms and photographs to the health center, could increase confidence that patients received correct treatment. Healthcare workers reported that forwarding photographs could improve their ability to describe and explain their observations to medical officers. They also reported that patients were satisfied with telemedicine. Variancesin organizations’ use of telemedicine were observed, particularly regarding health center support and task organization. Moreover, inadequate training and technical problems influenced how much healthcare providers used telemedicine in their daily work.

Conclusion: Telemedicine may reduce health inequity and increaseaccess to primary healthcare services in Greenland’s remote settlements. Additionally, telemedicine may improvethe quality of primary healthcare services and work conditions. However, integrating telemedicine into existing work procedures may be challenging for both the organization and the staff

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2014. , p. 40
Master of Public Health, MPH, ISSN 1104-5701 ; MPH 2014:24
Keywords [en]
qualitative content analysis, asynchronous telemedicine, health worker ’ s experience, Greenland
Keywords [da]
kvalitativ indholdsanalyse, asynkron telemedicin, sundhedspersonalets erfaring, Grønland
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:norden:org:diva-3613OAI:, id: diva2:783109
2014-10-15, Nordic School of Public Health NHV, Box 12133, 402 42 Göteborg, Sweden, 14:45 (Danish)

ISBN 978-91-86739-89-8

Available from: 2015-01-26 Created: 2015-01-23 Last updated: 2015-01-26Bibliographically approved

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