The Nordic Council of Ministers has cast a spotlight in recent years on promoting increased reuse and recycling of used textiles to reduce the environmental impacts of the textile industry. The majority of used textiles collected in the Nordic countries are sold on the global market, and some have suggested that these cause negative social and environmental impacts in receiving countries. To date, knowledge hasn’t been available to confirm or refute this claim.
This new report from NCM represents the first phase of a project which aims to rectify the knowledge gap. Flows of exports have been mapped out via interviews with the 13 Nordic exporters who together export over 70 000 tonnes of discarded textiles from the region each year. This data is supplemented by statistical data and information on import sanctions around the world. Direct flows of exports and their continued journeys were mapped, as was their eventual fate: reuse, recycling or other treatment. The report identifies how closely exporters follow the fate of the textiles they sell, and investigates the potential of Codes of Conduct to increase traceability and levels of influence.