Chapter 1 gives a short presentation of the health care systems in the Nordic countrieswith a focus on organization, responsibility and legislation. In Chapter 2, theinternational system of health accounts is described, and Chapter 3 provides a descriptionof the expenditure development of the health care sector in 2000-2010. Inthe main chapter of the report, Chapter 4, the financing of the health care sector inthe Nordic countries is described on the basis of the health accounts principles. InChapter 5, the Nordic reforms as to freedom of choice are presented. Chapter 6deals with diagnosis-related groups (secondary patient classification). The report iscompleted by a chapter on factors that may influence future financing of health carewith a view to the fact that the need for health care is expected to increase overtime.The purpose of this theme is to provide an overview of the financing of health care.The thematic reports also aim at developing and improving Nomesco's annual statistics.