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  • 1. Gåverud, Henrik
    et al.
    Jönsson, Mikael
    Lindenfors, Johan
    Behov av nordiskt samarbete inom byggande och energi2015Bok (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [sv]

    Grontmij AB har kartlagt och analyserat behovet av ett ökat nordiskt samarbete kring byggande/byggnader och energi. Det konstateras att det finns ett behov av ökat samarbete och av mer kunskapsöverföring mellan byggmyndigheterna. En annan fråga som kommit upp i studien är om Norden bör samarbeta mer för att försöka få mer inflytande inom EU. Synen på detta bland aktörerna är emellertid splittrad. Vidare ser vissa aktörer ett behov av en samordning av FoU-insatserna, t.ex. att samordna forskningsinsatserna samt att öka det nordiska samarbetet kring teknikupphandling.

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  • 2. Lindboe, Hans Henrik
    et al.
    Hagman, Björn
    Christensen, Jesper Færch
    Regional Electricity Market Design2016Bok (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    Do current electricity market designs ensure a sufficient electricity supply at all times? This topic is currently the subject of intense debate across Europe, and several major countries such as Germany, the UK, France and Italy have decided that additional measures – so-called capacity remuneration mechanisms – are needed to supplement current market designs. This report describes and analyses the advantages and disadvantages of a range of measures proposed or currently implemented across Europe, and includes both best estimates of how the implementation of these measures will impact Nordic electricity prices as well as recommendations to the Nordic countries regarding a cost-efficient path to ensuring the Nordic security of supply.

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  • 3. Ollila, Jorma
    et al.
    Skov-Spilling, Jens
    Nordic Energy Co-operation: Strong today – Stronger tomorrow2017Annet (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
    Abstract [en]

    On 27 October 2015, the Nordic Council of Ministers for Business, Energy and Regional Policy (MR-NER) decided to carry out a strategic review of Nordic co-operation on energy and how it could be developed over the next 5–10 years. The strategic review is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ reform project initiated by its Secretary General, Dagfinn Høybråten. Strategic reviews have previously been conducted on foreign and security policy, health and labour-market co-operation. The remit was to present 10–15 concrete proposals that would further enhance co-operation in areas in which significant positive outcomes have been achieved over the past two decades.

    The Paris Climate Change Conference of December 2015 and the EU’s goal of working towards a European Energy Union make this review particularly timely. It is also based on the Nordic countries’ own reviews of their national climate and energy policies. The geopolitical landscape is currently in a state of flux – global trade and climate policies are under pressure, and nationalist tendencies are emerging in many countries. This presents many challenges to Nordic energy co-operation, which has achieved ground-breaking results based on cross-border co-operation. Various studies have also shown that the Nordic Region has made similarly dramatic gains in terms of welfare. The time has come to assess how the Nordic countries can build on this success, despite adverse international trends. This review seeks to identify these challenges, present proposals for how the Nordic countries can move forward, and inspire further discussion and debate.

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  • 4. Ollila, Jorma
    et al.
    Skov-Spilling, Jens
    Nordisk energisamarbeid: Sterkt i dag – sterkere i morgen2017Annet (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
    Abstract [no]

    27. oktober 2015 vedtok Nordisk ministerråd for næring, energi og regionalpolitikk (MR-NER) å foreta en strategisk gjennomlysning av det nordiske samarbeidet om energi og hvordan det kan utvikles de neste 5–10 årene. Den strategiske gjennomlysningen er del av Nordisk ministerråds reformprosjekt, som ble initiert av generalsekretær Dagfinn Høybråten. Det er tidligere foretatt strategiske gjennomlysninger av samarbeid om utenriks- og sikkerhetspolitikk, helse og arbeidsmarked. Mandatet var å legge fram 10–15 konkrete forslag som ytterligere kunne styrke samarbeidet på områder der betydelige positive resultater er oppnådd i løpet av de siste to tiårene.

    Klimakonferansen i Paris i desember 2015 og EUs ambisjoner om å arbeide fram mot en europeisk energiunion gjør denne gjennomlysningen spesielt aktuell. Den er også basert på de enkelte nordiske landenes gjennomlysning av sin nasjonale klima- og energipolitikk. Det geopolitiske landskapet er for øyeblikket i endring – global handels- og klimapolitikk er under pres, og nasjonalistiske tendenser gjør seg gjeldende i mange land. Dette byr på en rekke utfordringer for det nordiske energisamarbeidet, som har oppnådd banebrytende resultater basert på samarbeid på tvers av grensene. En rekke studier har også vist at Norden har hentet tilsvarende dramatiske velferdsmessige gevinster. Nå er tiden inne for å vurdere hvordan de nordiske landene kan bygge videre på denne suksessen til tross for ugunstige internasjonale trender. Denne gjennomlysningen har som mål å identifisere disse utfordringene, legge fram forslag til hvordan de nordiske landene kan gå videre, og inspirere til ytterligere diskusjon og debatt.

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  • 5. Ollila, Jorma
    et al.
    Skov-Spilling, Jens
    Norrænt orkumálasamstarf: Öflugt í dag – enn öflugra á morgun2017Annet (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
    Abstract [is]

    Þann 27. október 2015 ákvað Norræna ráðherranefndin um atvinnu-, orku- og byggðastefnu (MR-NER) að vinna stefnumótandi úttekt á norrænu samstarfi á sviði orkumála og hvernig það gæti þróast næstu 5-10 árin. Þessi stefnumótandi úttekt er hluti af endurbótaáætlun Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar sem framkvæmdastjóri hennar, Dagfinn Høybråten, hrinti úr vör. Stefnumótandi úttektir hafa áður verið gerðar á samstarfi á sviðum utanríkis-, öryggis-, heilbrigðis- og vinnumála. Verkefnið var í því fólgið að leggja fram 10-15 beinskeyttar tillögur um hvernig styrkja mætti orkumálasamstarfið enn frekar, á sviðum þar sem marktæk og jákvæð skref hafa verið stigin á síðustu tveimur áratugum.

    Loftslagsráðstefnan í París í desember 2015 og markmið ESB um að vinna að stofnun Orkusambands Evrópu hafa gert úttektina tímabærari. Hún grundvallast enn fremur á endurskoðun norrænu landanna á stefnu hvers og eins þeirra í loftslags- og orkumálum. Landfræðipólitískt landslag er um þessar mundir á mikilli hreyfingu – alþjóðaviðskipti og tefna í loftslagsmálum eru undir þrýstingi og þjóðernishyggju vex fiskur um hrygg í mörgum löndum. Þetta skapar margháttaðar áskoranir er varða norrænt orkumálasamstarf, en samstarf yfir landamæri hefur reynst afar árangursríkt. Ýmsar rannsóknir hafa enn fremur leitt í ljós að velferð á Norðurlöndum hefur aukist stórkostlega. Tímabært er orðið að meta hvernig löndin geta nýtt sér þennan árangur, þrátt fyrir óhagstæða þróun í alþjóðamálum. Þessari úttekt er ætlað að greina þessar áskoranir, leggja fram tillögur um það hvernig Norðurlönd geta sótt fram og jafnframt að hvetja til frekari umfjöllunar og umræðu.

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  • 6. Ollila, Jorma
    et al.
    Skov-Spilling, Jens
    Pohjoismainen energiayhteistyö: Vahva tänään – vahvempi huomenna2017Annet (Annet (populærvitenskap, debatt, mm))
    Abstract [fi]

    Elinkeino-, energia- ja aluepolitiikan ministerineuvosto (MR-NER) päätti 27. lokakuuta 2015 toteuttaa strategiaselvityksen pohjoismaisesta energiayhteistyöstä ja sen kehittämismahdollisuuksista seuraavien 5–10 vuoden aikana. Selvitys on osa pääsihteeri Dagfinn Høybråtenin käynnistämää Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvoston uudistustyötä. Tätä ennen strategiaselvityksiä on tehty ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikan sekä terveys- ja työelämäalan yhteistyöstä. Toimeksiantona oli esitellä 10–15 konkreettista toimintaehdotusta energiayhteistyön lisäämiseksi aloilla, joilla on saavutettu merkittäviä myönteisiä tuloksia kahden viime vuosikymmenen aikana. Pariisissa joulukuussa 2015 pidetty ilmastokokous ja EU:n energiaunionitavoite tekevät selvityksestä erityisen ajankohtaisen. Selvitys nojautuu myös Pohjoismaiden omiin selvityksiin niiden kansallisista ilmasto- ja energiapolitiikoista. Geopoliittinen tilanne on parhaillaan murroksessa, kun kansainvälinen kauppa- ja ilmastopolitiikka on ahtaalla ja monissa maissa nationalistiset suuntaukset ovat nousussa. Tämä kohdistaa monia haasteita pohjoismaiseen energiayhteistyöhön, jossa on saavutettu uraauurtavia tuloksia rajat ylittävällä yhteistyöllä. Monet tutkimukset ovat myös osoittaneet, että Pohjoismaiden hyvinvointi on lisääntynyt yhtä merkittävästi. Nyt on aika arvioida, miten Pohjoismaat voivat jatkaa menestyksen tiellä epäsuotuisista kansainvälisistä suuntauksista huolimatta. Selvitys pyrkii tunnistamaan haasteet, esittelemään ehdotuksia Pohjoismaiden tulevasta suunnasta sekä tarjoamaan virikkeitä tulevaan keskusteluun.

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  • 7. Volkova, Anna
    et al.
    Pieper, Henrik
    Koduvere, Hardi
    Lepiksaar, Kertu
    Siirde, Andres
    Heat pump potential in the Baltic states2021Annet (Fagfellevurdert)
    Abstract [en]

    In 2018, the report Baltic Energy Technology Scenarios showed that heat pumps and electric boilers are a very promising option in buildings and in district heat production in a future energy system. In this new report on heat pump potential in the Baltic states, data on heat- and cooling sources, small and large-scale heat pump- and electric boiler potential, as well as socio-economic costs and benefits, has been gathered and examined.

    This report supports that the coupling of the common Baltic electricity market to local district heating via power-to-heat, offers large comparative advantages with respect to flexibility of source, potential synergies and economic considerations. The report also concludes that there is considerable potential and benefits of using heat pumps and electric boilers in the Baltic region, which holds a lot of promise for curbing climate-warming emissions.

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  • 8.
    Demand side flexibility in the Nordic electricity market: From a Distribution System Operator Perspective2017Bok (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The organisation for the Nordic energy regulators, NordREG, has ordered this study to explore status of demand side flexibility among Nordic distribution system operators (DSOs). Demand side response is a question of mobilising potential flexibility in how and when end users choose to use energy, and how such flexibility can provide value to the network. Network value can be reduced or deferred investments, better system reliability or other system cost reductions. This report addresses concepts for utilising demand response and related regulatory issues. The report also includes an interview study among selected DSOs in the Nordic countries. This addresses current status, how flexibility can be a value for their business, what they see as barriers and planned activities relating to demand response.

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  • 9.
    Nordic data hubs in electricity system: Differences and similarities2017Bok (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic ministries and regulators aim to harmonise the electricity retail markets to reduce market entry barriers for retailers from the other Nordic countries, hence promoting competition and customer choice and reduced costs of operating in different national markets. The Electricity Market Group under the Nordic Council off Ministers gave THEMA Consulting Group the task of analysing how the datahub projects can support the harmonisation process. This study explores the design and functionalities of existing and planned data hubs and how data hubs can contribute towards more harmonised end-user markets. Two main recommendations are made; enabling interoperability between hubs, and establishing an advisory group to identify regulatory and technical barriers to harmonisation and propose measures.

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  • 10.
    Nordic view on EU energy efficiency targets: Nordic view on the next generation of EU energy efficiency targets2013Rapport (Annet vitenskapelig)
    Abstract [en]

    EU has a target for energy efficiency for 2020, namely a 20 % reduction in theprimary energy consumption relative to the PRIMES 2007 forecast for 2020.According to the new energy efficiency directive, that was agreed upon inJune 2012, the target is that primary energy consumption must be no morethan 1,474 Mtoe or that final energy consumption must be no more than1,078 Mtoe by 2020. This is an absolute target for EU as a whole. There are nobinding targets for member states.Due to the time lapse from goal setting, to policy formulation and practicalimplementation it is found that 2020 is just around the corner, and that it ishigh time to start discussion about the next goals. This could be concrete targetsfor 2030 and indicative targets for 2050. In this report target design andpolicy instruments are discussed from a Nordic perspective: Is it relevant tohave an energy efficiency target? Should targets for energy efficiency be set interms of primary energy or final energy? In absolute numbers or in relativenumbers? Whether and how to divide the burden sharing? What are the Nordicpositions of strength with regard to policy instruments?

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