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  • 1.
    Ankerstrøm, Lasse
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Innovation.
    Health Use Case: Visualising the effect of a realized Vision 2030 on Nordic businesses2022Report (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic Vision 2030 is ambitious, implying significant developments for hospitals, universities, and other public actors, as well as companies of all sizes in the private sector. It entails development and innovation of products, operations, and legal frameworks alike, in the direction of environmental, social, and financial sustainability.

    For Vision 2030 to be realised, several topics for cross-regional collaboration are at play. In particular, the sharing and utilisation of health data across the Nordic region is central to the future of health and care in the region. This requires new ways of sharing data safely and effectively between device innovators, primary care institutions, public authorities, drug developers, etc.

    This project outlines a comprehensive use-case for the benefits of shared Nordic data for a range of organisation types. This is achieved by simulating the expected outcomes of realising the Vision 2030 for SMEs and companies of several sizes, as well as public institutions and healthcare actors. Through a combination of deep ideational processes and wide analyses, we outline the potentials for innovation, improved health, increased exports and integrated environmental sustainability, among other parameters. The goal of the project is thus to provide examples of how the realised vision of shared data contributes directly to constituting the ideal future of Nordic healthcare.

    This project builds upon previous work on the subject, namely, the comprehensive legal overview and other works on the healthcare of the future. The project leads into a business case for shared data in the Nordics to guide decision making on the subject.

    A wide range of methodologies have been applied: More than 200 stakeholders have been engaged in this project, through workshops, expert roundtables, and interviews. Further, the project has produced a dataset of 112.000 entities in Nordic healthcare, mapped and categorised by sector, employment and revenue.Emerging from the data and research are seven key themes that summarise the complex cornerstones of a sustainable development of the Nordic health space. 

    The seven themes are:1. Improving Interoperability2. Mental Health and Well-Being3. Personalised Treatments4. Telehealth and Decentralised Monitoring5. Decentralised Clinical Trials6. Sustainability Data Measurement and Transparency7.Transition to Preventive Care

    The full range of project activities and analyses additionally serve to further develop the Vision 2030, providing nuance to key goals and the projected pathway there.It is shown that through sharing health data a 2030 scenario can be reached where systems, devices and regions are interoperable and collaboration amongst Nordic countries is easily possible, mental health in the Nordics is largely improved, tailored treatments and medicines are developed, remote care and decentralised monitoring are a widely used standard, treatment development is accelerated through wider access to data, environmental impact data of treatments and products is taken into account and health issues are diagnosed earlier or even prevented.Moving towards the best possible future of healthcare is a complex and very rewarding process, supported by the efforts of this and similar projects.

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  • 2. Bodin, Emma
    et al.
    Kumlin, Lina
    Tengqvist, Anna
    Att åldras i Norden: En kartläggning av strategier och initiativ för aktivt och hälsosamt åldrande i de nordiska länderna2020Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Inkludera fler äldre vuxna i arbetet med äldrefrågor, både på en lokal och nationell nivå. Den äldre befolkningen ska inte enbart vara med och planera i politiska processer utan också exempelvis när det gäller stadsutveckling och utveckling av välfärdsteknologi. Bland annat detta konstateras i Nordens välfärdscenters rapport Att åldras i Norden - En kartläggning av strategier och initiativ för aktivt och hälsosamt åldrande i de nordiska länderna.

    Rapporten lyfter fram vilka visioner och strategier de nordiska länderna har för aktivt och hälsosamt åldrande och beskriver den nationella och regionala nivån, goda lösningar på lokal nivå och vilka aktörer som arbetar med frågorna. I kartläggningen ingår också hur arbetet följs upp med kvantitativa och kvalitativa mått. Rapporten har fokus på fyra områden: åldersvänliga städer och samhällen i Norden, åldersintegrerade mötesplatser och generationsövergripande bostadsmiljöer, motverka ensamhet och social isolering samt aktivt och hälsosamt åldrande med hjälp av välfärdsteknologi.

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  • 3.
    Lindberg, Lars
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Welfare Centre.
    Individanpassat stöd och service för personer med funktionsnedsättning: – modeller i Norden2021Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    På vilket sätt och hur kan modeller för individanpassat stöd som personlig budget stärka genomförandet av FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning? Med personlig budget avses en penningsumma som beviljas den enskilde på basis av en bedömning av servicebehovet och kalkylering av en budget för ändamålet. Den enskilda kan för sin budget köpa den service hen behöver. Personlig budget är i bruk inom social- och hälsovården i flera länder. I Norden är personlig assistans främsta exemplet på sådana lösningar, men även andra modeller har prövats och tagits in inom social- och hälsovården, till exempel valfrihetssystem och ökade möjligheter för brukare att välja leverantör.

    I rapporten presenteras ett antal individanpassade system för stöd till personer med funktionsnedsättning som har genomförts i Norden och erfarenheterna av dessa.  Kartläggningen har gjorts gemensamt av Nordens välfärdscenter och Institutet för hälsa och välfärd, THL, i Finland. Rapporten kommer att vara ett underlag i ett förslag till en kommande reform av stöd och service för personer med funktionsnedsättning i Finland.

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  • 4.
    Lindberg, Lars
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Welfare Centre.
    Personalised Support and Services for Persons with Disabilities: – mapping of Nordic models2021Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    In what way and how can models for personalised support such as personal budgeting strengthen the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities? Personal budgeting refers to a sum of money that is granted to the individual on the basis of an assessment of the need for service and calculation of a budget for this purpose. The individual can buy the service he needs for his budget. Personal budgeting is in use in social and health care in several countries. In the Nordic region, personal assistance is the main example of such solutions, but other models have also been tried and adopted in social and health care, such as systems of freedom of choice and increased opportunities for users to choose a provider.

    The report presents a number of personalised systems for support for people with disabilities that have been implemented in the Nordic countries and their experiences. The mapping was carried out jointly by the Nordic Welfare Center and the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). The report will be considered when forming a proposal for a future reform of support and services for people with disabilities in Finland.

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  • 5.
    Lindberg, Lars
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Welfare Centre.
    Vammaisten henkilöiden yksilöllinen tuki ja palvelut: – malleja Pohjoismaissa2021Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [fi]

    Miten erilaiset mallit yksilöllisen tuen järjestämiseksi, kuten henkilökohtainen budjetti, voivat vahvistaa vammaisten henkilöiden oikeuksia koskevan YK:n yleissopimuksen toimeenpanoa? Henkilökohtaisella budjetilla tarkoitetaan rahasummaa tai varoja, jotka määritellään henkilölle hänen tarpeenarvioinnissaan tunnistettuun tarkoitukseen. Budjetin varat voi käyttää tarvitsemiinsa palveluihin. Henkilökohtainen budjetti on käytössä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa useassa maassa. Pohjoismaissa henkilökohtainen apu on ensisijainen esimerkki tämänkaltaisista ratkaisuista, mutta myös muita malleja on kokeiltu ja otettu käyttöön sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa, esimerkiksi valinnanvapausjärjestelmiä ja enemmän mahdollisuuksia palvelunkäyttäjille valita palveluntuottaja.

    Raportissa esitellään Pohjoismaissa käytettäviä malleja yksilöllisen tuen järjestämiseksi vammaisille henkilöille ja kokemuksia niistä. Kartoitus on toteutettu Pohjoismaiden hyvinvointikeskuksen ja suomalaisen Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) yhteistyönä. Raporttia tullaan hyödyntämään tausta-aineistona, kun vammaisten palveluja koskevaa lainsäädäntöä uudistetaan Suomessa.

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  • 6.
    Lundgren, Anna
    et al.
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Ormstrup Vestergård, Louise
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Bogason, Ágúst
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Penje, Oskar
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Jokinen, Johanna Carolina
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Wang, Shinan
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Norlen, Gustaf
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Heleniak, Timothy
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordregio.
    Löfving, Linnea
    Digital Health Care and Social Care: Regional development impacts in the Nordic countries2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Health care and social care are not only important aspects of the Nordic welfare state model. The development of those sectors also has an important impact on the regional development and sustainability(economically, socially and environmentally)in the Nordic Region. The use of digital solutions in both sectors is increasing across all the Nordic countries. However, in relation to the ambitious goals set out in national digitalisation and eHealth strategies, digitalisation in health care and social care can be seen to have been developing at a relatively moderate pace. This research is part of the Digitalisation inHealth Care and Social Care project initiated and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The aim of this research has been to explore the effects and potential benefits to regional development and to address the various obstacles facing digitalisation in health care and social care throughout the Region.

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  • 7. Malmborg, Rasmus
    Health Data Sharing - a solution to Nordic health care challenges2023Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Nordic Innovation's Health, Demography and Quality of Life program addresses the challenges the health care system in the Nordics are facing. Our welfare system is at risk of breaking down because of a growing proportion of elderly people, increasing amount of chronic illnesses and lifestyle diseases. There is an urgent need for change, and Nordic cooperation is a key factor. Sharing of health data could build our position as global welfare ideals and to reach the vision that lays the foundation for this program: 

    By 2030. the Nordics will be the most sustainableand integrated health region in the world. providing the best possible personalized health care for all its citizen. 

    This summary report highlights the most important results from the three studies:

    - Business case for Sharing of Nordic Health Data- Health Use Case- Bridging Nordic Data

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  • 8. Montefusco, Maria
    et al.
    Løberg, Merethe
    Inga barn eller unga ska lämnas utanför: Barnrätts- och ungdomsperspektiv i nordiskt samarbete om funktionshinder2020Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Visionen för det nordiska samarbetet är att bli världens mest integrerade och hållbara region 2030. För att lyckas med det är det viktigt att involvera barn och unga då politik utvecklas, genomförs och utvärderas.

    Nordiska ministerrådet har en tvärsektoriell strategi för barn och unga som slår fast att Norden ska vara den bästa platsen i världen för barn och unga att leva i. Barnrätts- och ungdomsperspektiv integreras därför på tvärs i hela det nordiska samarbetet.

    Inom funktionshinderssamarbetet har barnrättsperspektiv tidigare lyfts fram och unga med funktionsnedsättning har involverats inom exempelvis projekt, vid evenemang och i expertgrupper. Dock har det inte gjorts systematiskt eller följts upp regelbundet. Nordiska ministerrådets Barn- och ungdomskommitté (NORDBUK) har gett Nordens välfärdscenter i uppdrag att i dialog med Funktionshindersrådet utveckla en modell för hur funktionshinderssamarbetet kan få ett tydligare barnrätts- och ungdomsperspektiv.

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  • 9. Montefusco, Maria
    et al.
    Løberg, Merethe
    No child or young person shall be left behind: A child rights and youth perspective in Nordic disability co-operation2020Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The vision of Nordic co-operation is to achieve the world’s most integrated and sustainable region by 2030. To succeed, it is vital that we involve children and young people in the development, implementation and evaluation of policy.

    The Nordic Council of Ministers’ cross-sectoral strategy for children and young people states that “the Nordic Region must be the best place in the world for children and young people”. A child rights and youth perspective is therefore integrated into every aspect of Nordic co-operation.

    A child rights perspective has previously been highlighted in Nordic disability co-operation and young people with disabilities have been involved in projects, events and expert groups; however, this has not been systematically implemented or regularly followed up. The Nordic Committee for Children and Young People (NORDBUK) has tasked the Nordic Welfare Centre with, in dialogue with the Disability Council, developing a scheme for how disability cooperation can adopt a more explicit child rights and youth perspective.

    Read more about this work in our publication No child or young person should be left behind –  A child rights and youth perspective in Nordic disability co-operation.

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  • 10. Montefusco, Maria
    et al.
    Løberg, Merethe
    No child or young person should be left behind: A child rights and youth perspective in Nordic disability co-operation2020Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The vision of Nordic co-operation is to achieve the world’s most integrated and sustainable region by 2030. To succeed, it is vital that we involve children and young people in the development, implementation and evaluation of policy.

    The Nordic Council of Ministers’ cross-sectoral strategy for children and young people states that “the Nordic Region must be the best place in the world for children and young people”. A child rights and youth perspective is therefore integrated into every aspect of Nordic co-operation.

    A child rights perspective has previously been highlighted in Nordic disability co-operation and young people with disabilities have been involved in projects, events and expert groups; however, this has not been systematically implemented or regularly followed up. The Nordic Committee for Children and Young People (NORDBUK) has tasked the Nordic Welfare Centre with, in dialogue with the Disability Council, developing a scheme for how disability cooperation can adopt a more explicit child rights and youth perspective.

  • 11.
    NOSOSCO, Editorial Group
    Nordic Council of Ministers, NOMESCO-NOSOSCO.
    Health Statistics for the Nordic Countries 20162016Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this publication NOMESCO presents the latest available data from the health statistics of the Nordic countries.

    The book covers the following: Organization of health services; Population and fertility; Morbidity, medical treatment, accidents and medicine; Mortality and causes of death; Resources within the health services, including expenditure, health personnel, capacity and services at hospitals.

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  • 12. Rødseth, Eirin
    et al.
    Yabsley, Annabelle-Jane
    Kristiansen, Truls Tunby
    Bjørvig, Siri
    Integrated Healthcare and Care through distance spanning solutions – for increased service accessibility2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic countries are built on the principle of democracy and on universal access to high-level health and social services. But the societies we live in have become more complex, and face challenges in the years to come: the demographic is changing with an aging population and lack of manpower.

    This publication is an inspiration to generate insight about how system structures can be organized to secure new integrated healthcare and social care service models. In the digital shift of healthcare and social care, model areas with their solutions can serve as inspiration for further joint development between for example local and regional authorities within healthcare and care in the Nordics.

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  • 13.
    Søndergård, Dennis
    Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Welfare Centre.
    Fokus på: Velfærdsteknologi oguddannelse af personale2016Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Välfärdsteknologi är något som berör allt fler människors vardag i takt med att många kommuner implementerar välfärdsteknologiska lösningar, både i hemmen och på institutioner. För vårdpersonalen betyder tekniken mycket.

    Tekniken erbjuder en bättre arbetsmiljö och hjälper till att effektivare arbetet men innebär samtidigt en utmaning. Välfärdsteknologi kräver nya kompetenser, tillvänjning och inlärning. Behovet av utbildning inom välfärdsteknologiområdet ökar. Detta häfte handlar om hur vi i Norden gör för att säkra att personal som arbetar med välfärdsteknologi har den kompetens de behöver.

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  • 14.
    Att jämföra för kundskap och välfärd: En jubileumsskrift för Nomesko och Nososko2019 (ed. 1)Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Det socialstatistiska samarbetet i Norden har sina rötter längre bak i tiden än de mera kända myndigheterna Nordiska Rådet och Nordiska Ministerrådet. De nordiska samarbetsorganen NOSOSKO och NOMESCO har nyligen fyllt 70 respektive 50 år.

    Denna jubileumsskrift hyllar den ärorika historien av kommittéerna och de nationella experternas arbetsinsats, som har utvecklat komparativ nordisk social- och hälsostatistik genom årtionden. Samtidigt lyfter den fram visioner och riktlinjer för den modernisering av verksamheten som krävs för att föra traditionen in i den digitaliserade världen.

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  • 15.
    Recruitment and Retention of Health Care Professionals in the Nordic Countries: A Cross-national Analysis2014Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The demographic trends and financial constraints in the Nordic countries, and all over Europe, are posing challenges, especially in the health care sectors. The rising number of elderly with "new" diseases, as well as new technology and inventions, create a growing demand for health care services and health care personnel. The aim of this report is to establish a clearer picture of the challenges in the future health care sectors in the Nordic countries, especially in terms of lack of health care personnel, and the strategies and initiatives implemented for recruitment and retention of personnel.

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