All of the Nordic countries have similar introduction programmes for newly arrived refugees and family migrants. Greater attention is now being paid to the question of which type of activities works best for this group. The programmes typically include language training, courses in civic orientation and activities related to the labour market. Previous research indicates that subsidised private-sector employment is the most effective form of labour-market programme and that there is potential for increasing its use among immigrants. The policy brief is produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre and the project Nordic collaboration for integration. More information at
High-quality service provision in rural areas is becoming increasingly difficult due to social and demographic challenges, exacerbated by welfare cuts. Members of disadvantaged groups, such as the long-term unemployed, migrants and people with disabilities, may be particularly affected by shrinking social services as they often lack the resources to influence or compensate for this loss. How can user involvement in service design and delivery contribute to addressing these challenges? What is needed to make service-user involvement work? This policy brief, based on the learnings from the SEMPRE project financed by the Interreg BalticSea Region Programme, gives an introduction to a user guide that has been developed to empower disadvantaged groups in rural areas.
We point out two reasons why policy-makers may consider redesigning social insurance systems in the light of increasing migration flows. First, immigrant labour supply is particularly sensitive to social insurance parameters. Second, employers and migrants may benefit from the creation of low-paying jobs, which means that generous benefits may affect both the level of immigration and its composition. Still, we do not recommend a reduction in the level of benefits or the imposition of tighter regulations on migration. Instead, we call for a more activity-oriented social insurance policy. The policy brief is produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre and the project Nordic collaboration for integration. More information at
Adolescent immigrants in Nordic school systems face particular challenges that may negatively influence their labour-market prospects. There has been little research into the effectiveness of interventions targeting this group. Nonetheless, there is convincing evidence that certain educational practices benefit disadvantaged students, and it is likely that some of these findings are also applicable to immigrant students. Important measures in this area include study support and guidance. Alternative paths to employment are further suggested for individuals who have difficulties qualifying for and finishing regular high school study programmes. The policy brief is produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre and the project Nordic collaboration for integration. More information at
The four large Nordic countries face similar problems when it comes to integrating large groups of immigrants into their labour markets, especially non-EU immigrants with low levels of education. The report Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets analyses how to promote the integration of such groups. Here we present the background to the volume, summarise the main findings and offer policy recommendations. One key conclusion is that no single policy will suffice. A combination of education policies, active labour-market measures, social benefit and wage policies is needed. The precise policy mix must be based on an evaluation of the trade-offs with other policy objectives. The policy brief is produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre and the project Nordic collaboration for integration. More information at
Most Nordic countries struggle to integrate low-skilled immigrants. High wage floors increase the risk of adverse employment effects for this group, as employers may not find it profitable to hire them. Reductions to the minimum wage could improve labour market prospects for low-skilled immigrants, but in order to have discernible effects, such cuts would need to be significant in scale. Targeted reductions in the minimum wage for new, previously non-existing jobs, along with increased differentiation of minimum wages, may provide an appropriate balance between the conflicting goals of high employment and low wage inequality. The policy brief is produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre and the project Nordic collaboration for integration. More information at
The situation that has unfolded due to the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of Nordic co-operation. In this status report, we look at the situation in border communities following the closing of the border, and what this may tell us about the state of Nordic co-operation – Vision 2030 for which includes integration.
Nordens välfärdscenter projekt Sjukskrivning och genus i Norden - vad vi vet och vad vi inte vet ärett uppdrag från Nordiska ministerrådet för social- och hälsopolitik. Projektets huvudsakliga syfteär att göra en nordisk forskningssammanställning om den psykiska hälsan utifrån ett genusperspektiv.
Könsskillnader i sjukfrånvaron förekommer, om än i varierande grad, i samtliga nordiska länder.Avsikten med forskningsgenomgången är att få till stånd en bättre jämförande översikt över politikenpå området. Detta kan underlätta erfarenhetsutbyte om effekter av politik samt främjaytterligare samarbete på området. Det är vår förhoppning att rapporten ska bidra till en ökadkunskap om sambanden mellan psykisk ohälsa, arbetsliv och sjukfrånvaro i Norden och i vad månförekomsten av skillnader i sjukskrivningar på grund av psykisk ohälsa skiljer sig åt mellan ländernasamt huruvida det finns könsskillnader som i detta avseende bör beaktas.
Vi hoppas att kartläggningen kan leda till fördjupade nordiska studier och insatser, både på gemensamnordisk nivå och i respektive land.
This article peers into the anxieties of the democratic process in post-conflict Nepal. Today, while the recent elections gave Nepal’s politicians a new mandate to finish the constitution-drafting process, the negotiations surrounding the troubled issue continue. Despite the established formal democratic institutions and procedures, authoritarian legacies and pre-democratic political practices, values and attitudes co-exist with the new democratic establishment with negative consequences for governmental stability. The article shows how the existing Nepalese political culture reflects a contradictory mix of deference to senior leaders, but also distrust of their authority, and a culture of confrontation rather than compromise.
Kunskapssammanställningen undersöker brukarinflytande i Norden med särskilt fokus på utsatta vuxna inom det sociala området. I sammanställningen beskrivs metoder, effekter och erfarenheter, men också vilka kunskapsluckor som finns.
Med utgångspunkt i forskning och utvärderingar om brukarinflytande på framför allt verksamhets- och systemnivå beskriver rapporten metoder och effekter för brukarinflytande, hur brukares kunskap tas tillvara, likheter och skillnader mellan de nordiska länderna samt vilka kunskapsluckor eller framtida utvecklingsområden som kan identifieras i den fortsatta utvecklingen av brukarinflytande i Norden.
Data har samlats genom två digitala webbenkäter och en databassökning om nordisk forskning om brukarinflytande inom det sociala området.
Tillsammans med en granskning av ytterligare litteratur, såsom utvärderingar, rapporter och handböcker, innehåller rapporten tre olika resultatkapitel. Det första redogör för policy och praktiska initiativ för stärkt brukarinflytande i de nordiska länderna. Det andra beskriver vilka metoder som används i studier av brukarinflytande och vilka målgrupper diverse satsningar på brukarinflytande fokuserar på. Det tredje kapitlet beskriver effekter av brukarinflytande, vilka huvudsakliga motiv till brukarinflytande som framträder i materialet och vilka kunskapsbidrag som framträder i den nordiska forskningen.
I rapportens sista del identifieras kunskapsluckor och utvecklingsområden i det fortsatta arbetet för stärkt brukarinflytande i Norden.
Vad kostar åtgärder för ökad tillgänglighet för personer med funktionsnedsättning? Och vilken nytta ger åtgärderna? Vilka analysmetoder finns det för att utvärdera effekterna av ökad tillgänglighet? Rapporten presenterar en kartläggning av samhällsekonomiska analyser genomförda i Norden och internationellt.
Ett tillgängligt samhälle är ett prioriterat mål för de nordiska ländernas funktionshinderpolitik. Begreppet universell utformning har blivit allt mer centralt för de nordiska ländernas arbete med funktionshinderpolitiken till följd av FN:s konvention om rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning, men används på olika sätt i respektive land. Samtidigt efterfrågas beräkningar av kostnader och nyttan av åtgärder för ökad tillgänglighet av såväl myndigheter och företag som organisationer.
I rapporten presenteras studier, metoder och analyser för att utvärdera nyttan och kostnaderna för olika åtgärder inom universell utformning och tillgänglighet. Fokuset har varit på kostnads- och nyttoanalyser (på engelska cost-benefit analysis) och effektstudier. Kartläggningen har genomförts via litteratursökning, enkäter till experter och två workshops. Totalt 45 studier och sju litteratursammanställningar presenteras i en engelskspråkig bilaga. Tio av de samhällsekonomiska analyserna har granskats utifrån metod och kvalitet.
Rapporten har tagits fram av Nordens välfärdscenter i samarbete med Barne-, ungdoms- och familiedirektoratet (Bufdir) i Norge.
The article discusses the perceived life changes of former Haliya bonded labourers in Nepal after their liberation. It concentrates on the subjective perceptions of the labourers, a field that has had little attention in literature to date. Nineteen semi-structured, in-depth interviews of former Haliyas, were conducted in a rural village in Baitadi, Far-Western Nepal in the summer of 2013. These were then analysed, using qualitative content analysis. The paper is constructed on the concept of social status, more precisely subordination, and it suggests that diminishing subordination, such as caste discrimination, dependency and forcing, is more important in former bonded labourers’ lives than the lack of improvement in material benefits. Therefore it can be argued that the literature on bonded labour stresses too much the quantitative data and the meaning of material conditions, and fails to see the importance of the personal experience and improved social status as the most important change in their lives. This suggests that it might be useful to examine the importance of social status when tackling inequality questions as well.
Being heard and involved in all matters that concern them is important for children and youth. In this collection of filmed interviews, youth in the Nordic region give insights into how the pandemic affected them.
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, it has become evident that most of the measures to prevent the spread of the virus were implemented by decision-makers without consulting or listening to children and youth. This is a violation of children’s rights under Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Consequently, some of the measures seriously impacted children and youth.
Watch our filmed interviews with youth in the Nordic region. They give insights into how the pandemic affected them, but also talk about how things could have been different. If things had been managed differently, with more influence for the youth, it would have cause them less stress.
Tegnspråklige med redusert hørsel opplever i dag grensehinder når de krysse nordiske landegrenser. Forskjeller i regelverk, praksiser, saksbehandlingstid, tilgjengelighet på tegnspråktolker og fravær av et felles nordisk personnummer eller ID-nummer er noen av barrierene som tegnspråklige møter.
Personer med funksjonsnedsettelser opplever flere og andre grensebarrierer enn personer uten funksjonsnedsettelser når de reiser mellom eller flytter til et annet nordisk land.Tegnspråklige er avhengige av tegnspråk for å samhandle og delta. Tegnspråktolking på eget språk er nødvendig for tegnspråklige når de jobber, studerer eller er i et annet land av andre årsaker. Begrensinger i nasjonale regelverk for tolkebistand til utlendinger i andre nordiske land er opplevd som en barriere for de hørselshemmede.En barriere for tegnspråklige er at de nordiske tegnspråkene er mer varierte enn de talte nordiske språkene.
Nasjonale ID-nummer/personnummer er ofte nødvendig for å få velferdstjenester, inkludert bistand med tegnspråk i det landet man oppholder seg i. I forbindelse med flytting fra et nordisk land til et annet vil kravet om nasjonalt personnummer, og saksbehandlingstiden for å få dette, sette tegnspråklige i en sårbar situasjon. Det kan være perioder der den hørselshemmede står uten mulighet til å samhandle med hørende eller delta i samfunnslivet på lik linje med de fleste andre.
Denne prosjektrapporten beskriver de grensehindrene som døve tegnspråklige erfarer når de krysser landegrenser i forbindelse med utdanning, arbeid og hverdagsliv. I et åpent arbeids- og utdanningsliv opplever tegnspråkbrukere andre grensehinder enn mange andre som krysser landegrenser i forbindelse med arbeid. Prosjektrapporten kommer med noen anbefalinger for å fjerne de grensehindrene som beskrives.
The Nordic Youth Disability Summit is the Nordic Council of Ministers' annual collaboration meetings with youth disability organisations. The aim of the meetings is to strengthen the perspectives of children and youth in Nordic cooperation on disability issues. This publication is a meeting report from the first Summit.
Youth disability organisations met in Copenhagen in October 2023 to discuss current issues and challenges and identify areas of cooperation. This is a report on the results and implementations of the Summit. It presents statements developed during the summit on key topics in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ programme for cooperation on disability issues.
The summit resulted in statements from a youth perspective on inclusive working life, cross-border obstacles in the Nordic region, how to take into account the child and youth perspective in the Nordic Council of Ministers’ policies and recommendations on inclusion in student democracy.
Det nordiske funksjonshindersamarbeidet involverer sivilsamfunnet, politikkområder og akademia. Denne rapporten beskriver et robust samarbeid som bidrar til politikk- og kunnskapsutvikling.
Samarbeidet er med på å bygge det nordiske fellesskapet, er nyttig for å nå våre nordiske visjoner, og for å bedre velferdstjenester til mennesker med funksjonshinder.
Resultatene av det nordiske tverrsektorielle samarbeidet på funksjonshinderområdet rapporteres regelmessig til embetsmannskomiteen for sosial- og helsepolitikk (EK-S), og annethvert år til Nordisk råd. Dette er den første rapporteringen fra nordisk samarbeid om funksjonshinderspørsmål i den nye programperioden 2023–2027.
Rapporten omfatter temaet digital inklusjon, som ordførerlandet Island løftet fram i 2023, samt aktiviteter på fokusområder i programperioden 2023–2027: menneskelige rettigheter, deltakelse og fri bevegelse. Rapporten redegjør også for hvordan det går med døvblindvirksomheten, støtteordningen for økt samarbeid mellom funksjonshinderorganisasjoner og forskning og utviklingsarbeid.
Det redegjøres her også for aktiviteter i Rådet for nordisk samarbeid om funksjonshinderspørsmål, som er Nordisk ministerråds rådgivende organ for implementering av funksjonshinderperspektiv i alle virksomhets- og politikkområder.
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The Nordic countries, including the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland islands, want to work together as effectively as possible to make society more accessible. The Nordic Council of Ministers has commissioned a report with proposals for areas of co-operation with regard to universal design and accessibility. The work is funded by the Council of Ministers’ Sustainable Development Strategy. Since the report was commissioned, the UN has adopted sustainability goals as part of Agenda 2030.
The report is primarily aimed to policy makersat the Nordic level. It may also be of interest topeople who work with sustainable developmentas well as universal design and accessibility atthe national, regional or local level. Differencesin the conditions for participation and equalopportunities between women and men orgirls and boys, respectively, were also describedwhere such information exists. The project andthe panel were coordinated by the Secretariatfor the Council for Nordic Co-operation onDisability at the Nordic Centre for Welfare.5Introduction
No person with a disability shall be left behind. This report presents suggested indicators for monitoring the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability and Agenda 2030 in the Nordic region.
The vision of the Nordic cooperation is to become the most integrated and sustainable in the world by 2030. The vision mirrors the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030, according to which no-one shall be left behind. Persons with disabilities have the right to inclusion, and the Nordic countries monitor the developments of living conditions for persons with disabilities.
All countries have also ratified the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities and have high ambitions with regard to Agenda 2030. Throughout the region we face similar challenges concerning inclusion. Participation is not equal, not in employment, nor in education, economy, or health. But to improve this we need to see it. Even if a set of indicators is not the only way forward, they can help us measure if we are on the right track.
In this report, we suggest a set of indicators that could be developed further and used to follow the developments towards inclusion and measure living conditions. By developing such a set of comparable indicators in the Nordic countries, we can see whether the countries separately and collectively follow the intentions of the UNCRPD to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities. The indicators are also an aid in the work to identify whether we are working correctly to achieve the Agenda 2030 targets.
I rapporten beskrivs och analyseras insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i det nya hemlandet.
Det övergripande syftet med rapporten är att sprida kunskap om insatser som främjar nyanlända barns, ungas och föräldrars delaktighet och integration i det nya hemlandet. Detta kunskapsunderlag kan ligga till grund för arbetet med att utveckla nya arbetssätt och bättre insatser till nyanlända barn och deras familjer.Kartläggningen omfattar insatser för:
utbildning och språkinlärning
välmående och psykisk hälsa
kulturell anpassning och identitet
Det Nationale forksningscenter for Velfærd och Socialstyrelsen i Danmark har utarbetat en typologi som består av elva element for ”lovende praksis” som ett komplement till evidensbaserade insatser. Syftet är att utveckla en gemensam begreppsapparat kring vad det goda sociala arbetet består av. I den här rapporten har Nordens välfärdscenter använt den danska typologin för att beskriva och analysera fem nordiska insatser som antas ha särskilt god sannolikhet för att skapa positiva resultat för nyanlända barn och familjer. Dessa nordiska insatser har valts ut av en nordisk expertgrupp. Därutöver presenteras tre artiklar där deltagare och yrkesverksamma berättar om sina egna upplevelser om insatserna.
In the main, active labour-market and social benefit policies have positive effects on employment among immigrant women. They are less effective for women than men, whereas the reverse appears to be the case in the long term for policies aimed at skills enhancement (language and formal education). The results may explain why reforms of introduction programmes have had no effect in the short term. Subsidies for child care in the home reduce women’s participation in the labour market, whereas subsidies for out-of-home child-care do not affect employment. The evidence suggests that a broader view of family circumstances may be needed in order to improve levels of employment among immigrant women. The policy brief is produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre and the project Nordic collaboration for integration. More information at
The employment gaps between natives and immigrants in the Nordic labour markets reflect major skills gaps between the two groups. Employment gaps are smaller or non-existent when comparing natives and immigrants with similar skills. Research stresses the importance of access to pre-school education for immigrant children and of allocating resources to remedial education for adult immigrants. Participation in pre-school and adult education is associated with narrower skills gaps. The Nordic countries’ current education policies are in line with these recommendations. However, there is room for improvement, in the form of increasing the number of immigrant children enrolled in pre-school education. The policy brief is produced by Nordregio on behalf of the Nordic Welfare Centre and the project Nordic collaboration for integration. More information at
This paper examines how students from indigenous groups from the Chittagong Hill Tracts in Southeast Bangladesh who migrated to Dhaka navigate the city. It does so by investigating how students relate to discourses of modernity and urban lifestyles while not disregarding the importance of belonging to an indigenous group. This way challenging notions of being indigenous as related to a non-industrial mode of production and essentially rooted in rural areas. In addition, by revealing the ways in which these students redefine themselves as Bangladeshi, the dominant notion of a Bangladeshi as ethnic Bengali and Muslim are challenged since indigenous migrant students are neither ethnic Bengalis nor Muslims.
Beneath the protest marches, rallies and sieges dividing Thailand in recent times are more subtle pressures that emerge from everyday encounters involving cultural notions of rank and hierarchy. These are the focus of this highly accessible ethnographic study, which ventures beyond the barricades to explore the connections between inequality, space and social life in modern-day Bangkok.
The author argues that the notion of an urban–rural divide obscures a far more complex reality linking city and countryside in reciprocal relations within both urban and national systems of status and class. Global market forces have increased the emphasis on material wealth in contemporary status relations and exacerbated pre-existing inequalities informed by a premodern system of status ranking called sakdina. This has compounded the challenges facing the growing urban middle classes and further marginalised rural and economically disadvantaged Thais.