Kulturreliktväxter – Levande fornminnen och hur vi bevarar dem handlar om kulturreliktväxter i Norden. Skriften best.r av tv. delar. Den första handlar om vad kulturreliktväxter är och varför de är intressanta och viktiga att bevara. Den andra delen, Skötsel av omr.den där det kan finnas kulturreliktväxter, är en skötselhandledning, som genom praktiska tips och r.d berättar hur man p. ganska enkla sätt kan anpassa skötseln av en plats s. att reliktväxter kan f. möjlighet att överleva och trivas där.
Despite the proscription of public political debates under colonial rule in Burma, boundary-crossing ventures like the Burma Research Society (founded in 1910) allowed those from different racial and cultural backgrounds to engage in debates about national belonging and identity. At the same time their scholarship generated new historical and cultural knowledge. Such social and intellectual interactions sowed the seeds of nascent nationalism in Burma, not least a unifying Burmano-Buddhist hegemony as promoted by BRS members like J.S. Furnivall and his circle. This was contested by the regional nationalism of San Shwe Bu, with Leslie Fernandes Taylor also warning of the consequences of neglecting the ethnic and linguistic diversity of Burma’s many races. With the rise of Rangoon University and popular culture and militant nationalism coming to dominate the social and political landscape by the mid-1930s, the influence of the BRS began to wane. This detailed study of the BRS and its membership, together with an analysis of its published output, contextualizes the Society within its metropolitan and regional setting, as well as drawing on a broader, transnational intellectual landscape. This timely work on the Society’s intellectual legacy has the potential to inform current debates in Myanmar at a time when the activities of ultra-nationalist groups threaten other religions and ethnicities’ rights as citizens.
Why is it that warfare in Southeast Asian history is depicted so differently in various historical sources and representations? Why have scholars looking at different countries found so many exceptions to regional overviews of warfare? The present volume seeks to present a new approach to the study of warfare in the region by abandoning the generalizations made in the conventional literature. The contributors offer a range of new studies of warfare in local areas within the region, looking at warfare on its own, local terms rather than for what it says about warfare in the region as a whole. This approach for the first time submits Southeast Asia to comparative analysis in a way that avoids artificial and misleading regional attributes. The varied case studies, researched and written by a number of experts of local warfare within the region include naval warfare eighteenth century Vietnam, civil war in South Sulawesi during the Pénéki War, the art and texts of war in Burmese warfare, modes of warfare in precolonial Bali, war captive taking in Thailand, and kinship, religion, and war in late eighteenth century Maguindanao, and preparations for war in the Pacific rimlands. The volume makes an important contribution to the new literature emerging on the culture of indigenous warfare in North and South America, Africa, South Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific Islands, by offering a new and robust Southeast Asian entry on the one hand while adding to a new approach to the growing literature on early modern Southeast Asia warfare.
Nordic national cultural history museums are linked with Arctic societies due to the shared heritage of substantial museum collections. We share concerns to re-vitalize, preserve and exchange knowledge on this heritage. Thanks to a grant from NMR’s The Nordic region and its neighbors to the west the National Museum (DK) in partnership with the Museum of Cultural History (NO) in 2017-19 successfully executed the project Arctic heritage in Nordic museums. Strengthening Arctic efforts in Nordic national museums. This volume presents recommendations within the project’s three major fields:
1) Intensified collaboration on digital strategies and heritage perspectives with Canadian Inuit organizations,
2) a comprehensive and critical analysis of digital databases of cultural institutions in the ABM sector,
3) the constitution of a feasible and sustainable Nordic Cross-Arctic Museum Network.
Digitaliseringstrender fra andre sektorer, fremveksten av sosiale medier, delingskultur og endrede digitale vaner i befolkningen har gitt grobunn for en rekke nye, storslagne digitale visjoner for verdens kulturarv. I disse visjonene tillegges det enorme tilfanget av kulturhistoriske kilder, foto og objekter, som ligger spredt mellom verdens arkiver, biblioteker og museer, både forskningsmessig, pedagogisk, kreativt og demokratisk potensiale. Idealet er størst mulig tilgjengelighet for flest mulig – ideelt sett bare et søk eller et par tastetrykk unna, uansett hvor enn man måtte befinne seg i verden.
Rapporten viser at ettersom hvilken definisjon av digitalisering man legger til grunn, og hvilke formål digitaliseringen tenkes å skulle tjene, kan det tegnes en rekke ulike bilder av dagens digitaliseringsgrad, hvor land, sektorer og institusjoner kommer mer eller mindre heldig eller uheldig ut.
This publication is a report from the Nordic expert conference “Illicit trade in cultural artefacts. Stronger together: How can the Nordics join forces to stop the illegal import and export of cultural objects?” which was held in Oslo, 2 to 3 December 2015, following an initiative of the Nordic Ministers of Culture. The objective of the conference was to explore the potential for a closer Nordic collaboration in order to better meet the states' obligations under international cultural conventions and the UN Security Council’s Resolution 2199 on measures to prevent financing of extremist groups and their activities. A number of knowledgeable speakers shared their insights into current global challenges as regards cultural heritage protection. A particular concern is the ongoing looting in war-torn areas in the Middle East. The conference resulted in 13 joint follow-up recommendations.