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  • Götmark, Hulda
    et al.
    Nordic Council of Ministers, The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen).
    Landqvist, Sara
    Nordic Council of Ministers, The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen).
    Sjáðu, sáðu og smakkaðu! – hugmyndahandbók um kennslu í matjurtaræktun fyrir börn2024Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [is]

    Sáð til framtíðar

    Þótt fræ séu agnarsmá á að líta bera þau með sér sjálfa uppsprettu lífsins. Við réttar aðstæður geta fræ orðið að plöntum sem veita okkur nauðsynlega fæðu, skjól, fatnað, eldsneyti og fóður fyrir dýrin okkar. Plöntum sem eru nauðsynlegar fyrir líf á jörðinni.

    Það er spennandi að fylgjast með fræi vakna til lífsins og teygja fyrstu laufin í átt til himins um leið og það festir rætur kirfilega í moldu.

    Það er ótrúleg upplifun að finna moldina leika um fingur sér og læra grundvallaratriði ræktunar.

    Það er lykilatriði að skilja tengslin milli matar, líffræðilegrar fjölbreytni og loftslagsbreytinga.

    Í ljósi þessa hefur NordGen útbúið fræðslupakka fyrir leik- og grunnskóla svo börn hafi kost á að læra um matvæli og garðyrkju af eigin raun.

    Því miður alast börn í dag upp í samfélagi sem glímir við margvísleg vandamál á heimsvísu, svo sem loftslagsvána og síminnkandi líffræðilega fjölbreytni. Kórónuveirufaraldurinn og stríðið í Úkraínu hafa einnig vakið upp spurningar um mikilvægi matvælaöryggis og hættur þess að vera of háð innflutningi. Grunnþekking á matjurtarækt er því mikilvægari en nokkru sinni fyrr.

    Í hlutverki sínu sem þekkingarsetur Norðurlanda um erfðaauðlindir ber NordGen skylda til að miðla upplýsingum um mikilvægi líffræðilegrar fjölbreytni í norrænum landbúnaði og skógrækt. Þetta er okkar leið til að gera það með áhugaverðum og vonandi skemmtilegum hætti.

    Við vonum að þið skemmtið ykkur vel við að kenna nemendum ykkar grundvallaratriði matjurtaræktar. Verið óhrædd við að óhreinka hendurnar! Leyfið börnunum að leika sér og hlustið á þau ræða málin.

    Og umfram allt – skemmtið ykkur vel!

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  • Henriksson, Lena
    Innovation & Impact: Nordic Innovation Annual Report 20242025Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    2024 was a result and impact year for Nordic Innovation, and it was the final year of the mission, 2021-2024. 

    This annual report reflects the fact that Nordic Innovation is now moving from one mission to another, and that 2024 marked an end to the programs that we have worked with through the past four years. 

    The report gives examples of projects that Nordic Innovation has worked on during 2024, it highlights results and it showcases how Nordic Innovation is contributing to making the Nordic's the most sustainable and integrated region in the world. However, it also includes snapshots of achievements from 2021–2024 and showcases how projects from this mission have contributed to reaching Vision 2030. 

    Enjoy reading!  

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  • Götmark, Hulda
    et al.
    Nordic Council of Ministers, The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen).
    Landqvist, Sara
    „Pamatyk, pasėk ir paragauk!“ – įkvepiantis vadovas, kaip mokyti vaikus auginti augalus maistui.2024Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [lt]

    Įkvepianti sėkla

    Sėkla yra maža, kartais netgi mažytė. Tačiau jos viduje slypi gyvybės pradžia. Jei sąlygos yra tinkamos, iš sėklų išauga augalų, kurių mums reikia maistui, pastogei, drabužiams, kurui ir pašarui gyvuliams. Augalai – būtini žmogaus gyvenimui Žemėje.

    Stebėti, kaip sėkla pabunda ir tiesia pirmuosius lapelius į dangų, tuo pat metu tvirtai įleisdama šaknis į žemę, yra itin įdomu.

    Leisti rankas į dirvą ir mokytis auginti savo augalus yra nuostabi patirtis.

    Suprasti maisto, biologinės įvairovės ir klimato kaitos ryšį yra nepaprastai svarbu.

    Būtent todėl „NordGen“ sukūrė šį mokomąjį paketą, skirtą ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoms ir pradinėms mokykloms, siekdama įkvėpti vaikus domėtis maisto keliu iki lėkštės ir sodininkyste, prisiliečiant prie auginimo proceso.

    Deja, šiandien vaikai auga pasaulyje, kuris susiduria su keliomis visuotinėmis grėsmėmis, pavyzdžiui, klimato kaita ir nuolatiniu biologinės įvairovės nykimu. Pastarojo meto pandemija ir tebevykstantis karas Ukrainoje taip pat atkreipė dėmesį į apsirūpinimo maistu svarbą ir pažeidžiamumą dėl pernelyg didelės priklausomybės nuo importo. Todėl kaip niekada svarbu išmanyti maisto auginimo pagrindus.

    „NordGen“, kaip Šiaurės šalių genetinių išteklių žinių centras, siekia skleisti informaciją apie biologinę įvairovę, kuri svarbi Šiaurės šalių žemės ūkiui bei miškininkystei. Mūsų pasirinktas būdas yra linksmas ir įkvepiantis.

    Tikimės, kad laikas, kurį kartu su mokiniais leisite mokydamiesi apie esminį augalų, skirtų maistui, auginimo procesą bus įsimintinas. Pasiraitokite rankoves! Tegul vaikai žaidžia, o Jūs stebėkite, kaip jie įsitraukia.

    Ir svarbiausia – nerkite į linksmybes!

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  • Götmark, Hulda
    et al.
    Nordic Council of Ministers, The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen).
    Landqvist, Sara
    Hygg, sáa og smakka!: – bóklingur til íblásturs at læra børn at velta grønt og korn til matna2024Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [fo]

    Fræ til íblásturs

    Eitt fræ er lítið, elalítið. Skalið á tí fjalir byrjanina til lív. Undir teimum røttu umstøðunum kann eitt fræ gerast til vøkstur, sum vit kunnu eta, byggja okkum býli úr, virka til klæði, brennievni og nýta til fóður. Vøkstur, sum er týðandi fortreyt fyri, at vit kunnu liva á jørðini.

    Tað er sera áhugavert at eygleiða eitt fræ, at síggja tað spakuliga spíra og senda sínar spírar ímóti ljósinum, meðan tað festir sínar røtur niðri í jørðini.

    At fáa mold á hendurnar og eina grundleggjandi vitan um, hvussu tú kanst velta grønt og korn, er spennandi.

    At fata sambandið millum mat, lívfrøðiligt margfeldi og veðurlagsbroytingar er av størsta týdningi.

    Tað er við hesum í huga, at NordGen hevur gjørt hesar frálærupakkarnar til barnagarðar, forskúlar og grund- og miðdeild fólkaskúlans fyri at geva børnum íblástur til at læra um mat og urtagarðsarbeiði við at arbeiða við moldini.

    Tíverri er veruleikin tann, at børn í dag vaksa upp í einum heimi, sum er undir trýsti á fleiri økjum -veðurlagsbroytingar, áhaldandi minking av okkara lívfrøðiliga margfeldi. Heimsumfatandi umfarssóttin, Covid19, kríggið í Ukraina hava eisini fingið okkum at steðga á og hugsa um týdningin av matvørutrygd og, hvussu óheppið tað kann vera, at innflutningur hevur so stóran týdning fyri okkum. Tí er grundleggjandi vitan um at velta grønt og korn til matna av størri týdningi enn nakrantíð áður.

    Sum vitanarberin av ílegumargfeldi í Norðurlondum, vil NordGen stroya um seg – sáa – upplýsing um lívfrøðiligt margfeldi, sum er týdningarmikið fyri jarðarbrúk og skógarbrúk í Norðurlondum. Hetta er so okkara máti at sáa vitan – vónandi verður hetta stuttligt og ein kelda til íblásturs.

    Okkara vón er, at tað verður sera gevandi og skemtiligt fyri teg at læra næmingar tínar grundleggjandi førleikar í at velta grønt og korn til matna. Far til verka! Lat børnini spæla sær og royna seg, lurta eftir teirra kjaki.

    Men mest av øllum skal tað vera stuttligt!

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  • Karkulahti, Iines
    et al.
    Lauttia, Anssi
    Nyholm, Charlotte
    Wiikinkoski, Meri
    Beyond Zero – Nordic Architecture on the Road Towards Renewed Practices2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The Beyond Zero project addresses the most urgent and significant topic for architecture today: environmental degradation. Architecture, along with other creative fields, holds immense power to drive the systemic transformation necessitated by this crisis. It can inspire, provoke, question and make tangible the radical changes at hand. 

    This publication summarizes the Beyond Zero exhibition, originally designed to conclude the “Nordic Carbon Neutral Bauhaus” project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers and coordinated by the Ministry of the Environment Finland. Together with the 17 projects originally presented in the exhibition this publication forms a snapshot of Nordic architecture on the road towards renewed practices. 

    We hope to challenge and inspire the reader to rethink what architecture is – and what it must become – in the pursuit of a truly sustainable future. 

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  • Palmé, Anna
    et al.
    Lund, Birgitta
    Madsen, Bjarke
    Kiviharju, Elina
    Fitzgerald, Heli
    Thorbjörnsson, Hjörtur
    Hagenblad, Jenny
    Weibull, Jens
    Jacobsen, Jonathan
    Åsman, Karolina
    Bjureke, Kristina
    Borgen Nielsen, Linn
    Göransson, Magnus
    Häggblom, Maija
    Hyvärinen, Marko
    Aronsson, Mora
    Normand, Signe
    Treier, Urs A.
    Nordic Crop Wild Relative (CWR) Conservation for a More Resilient Agriculture2025Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) are wild species that are closely related to crops and can be used to adapt agricultural plants to climate change and other future challenges. This project has improved the conservation of CWR in the Nordic region and has made them more accessible to users, such as researchers and plant breeders. It has also increased our understanding of their diversity, distribution, current status, and how climate change could affect them. The project results support ongoing and future conservation efforts, both on the national and regional levels. In addition, Nordic cooperation on CWR has been strengthened, and the project has communicated its findings to a broad audience, including conservation professionals, policymakers, scientists and the interested general public. 

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  • Brunak, Karla
    et al.
    Kofoed-Wiuff, Anders
    Lindroos, Tomi
    Bozhkova, Kristina
    Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Progress 20252025Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Tracking Nordic Clean Energy Scenarios 2024 highlights the Nordic countries' shared commitment to achieving carbon neutrality through ambitious energy transitions. The report reflects on significant progress in renewable energy, electrification, and emissions reductions, while addressing challenges in areas such as industry, land use, and infrastructure. With 96% of electricity now fossil-free and pioneering projects in hydrogen and energy storage, the Nordics continue to lead in sustainable energy. However, swifter action and closer cooperation are essential to meet climate targets. This publication provides valuable insights and guidance for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders working towards a sustainable future.

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  • Lindhardt Sæderup, Kirstine
    et al.
    Lundberg, Louise
    Tägt, Jonas
    Alignment and overall strategy for the handling of in silico methods in human health assessment of plant protection products in the Northern Zone2025Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A joint workshop on Alignment and overall strategy for the handling of in silico methods in human health assessment of plant protection products in the Northern Zone was organised in 2024. To avoid animal testing, computer models (in silico models) are sometimes used to predict the toxicity of unknown chemicals based on data from similar chemicals. Together with other non-animal approaches, in silico methods are a part of next generation risk assessment. However, assessing pitfalls and weighing the applicability and quality of in silico predictions may be challenging for regulatory use. The focus of the workshop was on the newly published OECD (Q)SAR framework (QAF) and its applicability in a regulatory setting. The new framework facilitates the assessment of in silico methods for regulatory risk assessors and makes in silico data more accessible. 

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  • Nordiska ministerrådets program för fri rörlighet i Norden 2025–2030: inklusive Gränshinderrådets mandat 2025–20272025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Norden skall bli världens mest integrerade och hållbara region till år 2030. Arbetet med att lösa gränshinder och främja mobiliteten i Norden handlar i grunden om att öka konkurrenskraften, öka sammanhållningen och att skapa ett öppnare Norden. 

    Det ska vara lätt att bo, arbeta, studera och driva gränsöverskridande affärsverksamhet i Norden. Företagen ska se Norden som en marknad och det ska vara lätt för arbetstagare att röra sig över landsgränserna i regionen. Det är så vi får ut det mesta av våra gemensamma resurser.

    Genom samarbetsministrarnas nya samarbetsprogram har det nordiska samarbetet höjt sin ambitionsnivå på området. För att nå målen och för att säkra ett tydligare ägarskap, en effektivare administration och för att skapa mer synergier mellan de olika gränshinderaktörerna har samarbetsministrarna beslutat om ett särskilt sexårigt Program för fri rörlighet i Norden.

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  • Cavicchia, Rebecca
    et al.
    Kačkus Tybjerg, Jonas
    Salonen, Hilma
    Grænt flug – Stefnumiðaður vegvísir um innleiðingu rafknúins flugs á Norðurlöndum2025Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [is]

    Fluggeirinn stendur frammi fyrir þeirri áskorun að draga úr loftslagsáhrifum sínum, og rafknúnar flugsamgöngur (Electric Aviation, EA) hafa komið fram sem álitlegur kostur í þeim efnum. Norðurlöndin leitast við að vera í fararbroddi í innleiðingu þessarar nýju tækni og hafa sett sér metnaðarfull markmið um að gera hana að raunveruleika á næstu árum. En ýmsar spurningar þarf enn að svara og margar áskoranir að leysa áður en rafknúnar flugsamgöngur verða að veruleika. Er pólitískur stuðningur á Norðurlöndum nægilegur til að knýja þessar breytingar áfram? Hvaðan á nauðsynlegt fjármagn að koma? Eru innviðir og tæknilegir möguleikar til staðar? Þessar áskoranir og mögulegar lausnir eru til umfjöllunar í þessu stefnuyfirliti.

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  • Cavicchia, Rebecca
    et al.
    Kačkus Tybjerg, Jonas
    Salonen, Hilma
    Vihrein siivin – lentoliikenteen sähköistymisen poliittinen etenemissuunnitelma2025Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [fi]

    Sähköinen lentäminen (Electric Aviation, EA) tarjoaa mahdollisuuden vähentää lentoliikenteen ilmastovaikutuksia. Pohjoismaat haluavat olla edelläkävijöitä tämän uuden teknologian omaksumisessa ja ovat asettaneet kunnianhimoisia tavoitteita sen käyttöönotolle lähitulevaisuudessa. Lukuisia avoimia kysymyksiä on kuitenkin vielä ratkaistavana ennen kuin sähköisestä lentämisestä voi tulla todellisuutta. Ovatko Pohjoismaat poliittisesti riittävän sitoutuneita näiden aloitteiden tukemiseen? Mistä tarvittava rahoitus saadaan? Ovatko tarvittavat tekniset valmiudet ja infrastruktuuri olemassa?

    Näitä ja muita keskeisiä näkökohtia ratkaisuineen käsitellään tässä raportissa. 

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  • Cavicchia, Rebecca
    et al.
    Kačkus Tybjerg, Jonas
    Salonen, Hilma
    Grönt flyg – En nordisk färdplan för införandet av elektrisk flygfart2025Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    För att lindra flygsektorns klimatpåverkan har elektriskt flyg (Electric Aviation, EA) framstått som ett lovande alternativ. De nordiska länderna strävar efter att gå i bräschen för införandet av denna nya teknik och har satt upp ambitiösa mål för att implementera den inom en snar framtid. Men ett antal frågor måste besvaras och utmaningar lösas innan elektriskt flyg kan bli verklighet. Är det politiska engagemanget i Norden tillräckligt för att stötta dessa initiativ? Var ska den nödvändiga finansieringen komma ifrån? Är infrastrukturen och de tekniska framstegen som krävs på plats? Dessa huvudproblem och deras lösningar behandlas i detta policysammandrag.

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  • Slätmo, Elin
    et al.
    Berlina, Anna
    Bogason, Ágúst
    Halldórsdóttir, Tina K.
    Itänen, Miia
    Tomren, Lumi
    Kačkus Tybjerg, Jonas
    Robust civil preparedness in the Nordic Region: A study of how Nordic regional policy can contribute to civil preparedness2025Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    In an evolving risk landscape characterised by extreme weather events, natural disasters, as well as geopolitical turmoil and hybrid threats, it is essential to build and maintain robust and resilient societies capable of withstanding and managing both environmental disasters and human-made crises. 

    This policy brief examines how regional policy can enhance civil preparedness and resilience by strengthening cooperation, ensuring access to critical resources, and supporting sustainable transitions. Key aspects include crisis prevention, emergency services, food and energy security, and access to essential public services. The findings highlight the role of strategic regional planning in building more resilient and adaptable Nordic communities.

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  • Fjárhagsáætlun 2025 – Samantekt2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [is]

    Fjárhagsáætlun Norrænu ráðherranefndarinnar er mikilvægt tæki til að ná markmiðum framtíðarsýnarinnar um að Norðurlöndin eigi að vera sjálfbærasta og samþættasta svæði heims. Fjárhagsáætlun 2025 er sú fyrsta á nýju áætlunartímabili og er nátengd samstarfsáætlunum fagsviðanna og þeim markmiðum og undirmarkmiðum sem samþykkt hafa verið fyrir þær.   

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  • Budjetti 2025 – Yhteenveto2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [fi]

    Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvoston budjetti on tärkeä väline, kun pyrimme saavuttamaan vision tavoitteen, jonka mukaan Pohjolasta tulee maailman kestävin ja integroitunein alue. Vuoden 2025 budjetti on uuden visiokauden ensimmäinen ja liittyy tiiviisti vuosien 2025–2030 alakohtaisiin yhteistyöohjelmiin sekä niiden poliittisesti sovittuihin tavoitteisiin ja osatavoitteisiin.

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  • Budget 2025 – Sammenfatning2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [da]

    Nordisk Ministerråds budget er et vigtigt værktøj til at nå visionens mål om, at Norden skal være verdens mest bæredygtige og integrerede region. Budget 2025 udgør det første år i en ny visionsperiode med et budget, der er tæt koblet til sektorernes samarbejdsprogrammer for perioden 2025-2030 med polisk vedtagne mål og delmål. 

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  • Digitalisering inom kultursektorn: En kunskapsöversikt utifrån förhållanden i nordiska länder2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna kunskapsöversikt presenterar Kulturanalys Norden en översikt av forskningen om digitaliseringens påverkan på nordisk kultursektor med fokus på kulturarv och AI. Redogörelsen utgår ifrån den internationella forskningen på området och sammanfattar hur denna lyfter fram digitaliseringens möjligheter för deltagare och kulturskapare men också negativa konsekvenser. 

    I kunskapsöversikten redogörs även för hur kulturpolitikens förutsättningar har påverkats av digitaliseringsprocesser. Den digitala kulturpolitiken i de nordiska länderna har fokuserat på möjligheter till ökat deltagande, risker för kulturskapares upphovsrätt samt förutsättningarna för de mindre nordiska språken på en digital internationell marknad. 

    Rapporten är skriven på svenska och norska med en sammanfattning på engelska.

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  • Konijnendijk, Cecil
    et al.
    Lind, Clara
    Littke, Hélène
    Voets, Dirk
    Oudin, Anna
    Östberg, Johan
    Ågren, Kalle
    Nässlander, Gustav
    Adamsson, Gustaf Viita
    Enger, Poul
    Larson, Anna Maria
    Johnsrud, Hanne
    Scharin, Ellinor
    Schoon, Petra
    Thoresen, Wösel
    Vogel, Emanuel
    Yggdrasil – The Living Nordic City2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The report “Yggdrasil – The Living Nordic City” is part of the Nordic Cities Nature-Based Solutions Programme, supporting Vision 2030 to make the Nordic Region the world’s most sustainable. This initiative integrates nature-based solutions (NBS) into urban planning for sustainability, biodiversity, climate adaptation, and public health. The project evaluates the 3+30+300 principle: seeing three large trees from home, achieving 30% tree canopy cover, and ensuring public green spaces within 300 metres for all. Findings show Finland and Norway lead in compliance, while Iceland and Greenland face challenges. Recommendations focus on policy integration, native and diverse species for resilience, and equitable access to green spaces. The report highlights the principle’s flexibility and its importance in fostering sustainable, liveable Nordic cities.

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  • Moodie, John R.
    Proactively engaging citizens in European Union Cohesion Policy2025Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    This policy paper provides key recommendations outlining ways to proactively engage citizens in EU cohesion policy processes. The recommendations are designed to support EU, national, and regional level policymakers to achieve the priority goal for the 2021-2027 EU cohesion policy programme period of bringing ‘Europe closer to citizens’.

    European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy is the one area of EU policy competence with the highest potential for directly engaging citizens in EU policymaking processes. While the European Commission has introduced many cohesion policy instruments that bring policymaking closer to regional and local levels, direct citizen involvement in this policy sphere remains negligible. A citizen focused approach needs to be embedded within existing cohesion policy structures to maximize the potential of cohesion policy for strengthening the connection between the EU and citizens.

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  • Weibull, Jens
    et al.
    Palmé, Anna
    Nordic Council of Ministers, The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen).
    Nordic wild plant genetic resources: a policy brief2025Other (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Crop wild relatives (CWR) are species or subspecies of plants that are closely related to our cultivated crops. As such, they have the potential to contribute beneficial properties to crops. They are genetically diverse, locally adapted and represent a potential source of valuable traits for adapting crops to changing environmental conditions and human needs.

    By 2050, global food production will need to have doubled compared to the turn of the millennium. Accelerating climate change and continuing alarming loss of biodiversity and habitats emphasize the acute need to adopt and implement effective policy measures to prevent further loss of valuable genetic diversity. In addition, safeguarding and properly utilizing these wild genetic resources may contribute to strengthening Nordic plant breeding and, consequently, its competitiveness.All Nordic countries are Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and thereby bound by decisions taken by the Conference. One decisive policy instrument is the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted in 2022. With respect to wild genetic diversity, the framework both sets a global goal for 2050 and a specific target for 2030. It is now time for the Nordic countries to implement these policies at the national level.

    The following set of recommendations – addressing the joint Nordic and the national level, respectively – is the result of a project within the Nordic Council of Ministers Nature-Based Solutions programme. In addition, essential recommendations from the joint Nordic project Access and Rights to Genetic Resources: A Nordic Approach (II), have also been considered.

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  • NordForsk, NordForsk
    Nordic Council of Ministers, NordForsk.
    Knowledge development post-COVID-192025Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    New policy paper highlights lessons to be learnt from the emergence of post-Covid condition (PCC). The purpose of this policy paper is to summarise the key scientific findings on PCC and the relevant research needs that have been identified in the project “Knowledge development post-COVID” initiated by the Nordic Council of Ministers in accordance with the policy priorities of the Nordic Council.

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  • Inspiration, Experiences and Tools: Conference and Workshop on PFAS Substitutions and Enforcement in the Nordic Countries, September 20242025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic Conference on PFAS Substitution – Inspiration, Experiences and Tools was held at the World Trade Center in Stockholm on the 2nd of September 2024. In addition, a back-to-back workshop on enforcement of PFAS in consumer products was held on the 3rd of September. The conference and workshop were part of the programme of the Swedish presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2024. The activities were commissioned by the Swedish Government and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The Swedish Chemicals Agency organised the events. A total of 146 participants attended the conference on site, representing agencies companies, research institutes or academia, consultancy companies, commercial laboratories, trade associations and waste/recycling industry. The workshop on enforcement of PFAS gathered 21 participants from Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Austria. 

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  • Lind, Andreas
    et al.
    Määttä, Helena
    Berninger, Kati
    Carus Andersen, Louise Kirstine
    Aasen, Marianne
    Leiren, Merethe Dotterud
    Jantunen, Pirjo
    Kallbekken, Steffen
    Have, Søren
    Social acceptance as a prerequisite for the green transition2025Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report explores the role of social acceptance in driving the green transition across the Nordic countries. The report focuses on two cases: social acceptance of wind power development and fuel taxes and describes the situation in three Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, and Norway. However, the insights and recommendations also apply to the other green initiatives and the other Nordic countries. The report provides a status of the level of social acceptance, identifies the main challenges, and offers general lessons learned and ways forward in terms of addressing and potentially improving social acceptance for the green transition.

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  • Landqvist, Sara
    Nordic Council of Ministers, The Nordic Genetic Resource Centre (NordGen).
    Nordic Conference on Genetic Resources: Possibilities and Urgency: – Report from conference arranged by NordGen in Hyllie, Malmö2025Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    December 11, 2024, NordGen arranged a conference titled ‘Nordic Conference on Genetic Resources: Possibilities and Urgency’ in Malmö, Sweden. The conference was also streamed worldwide. This report contains summaries of the conference findings and recommendations. The conference was opened by the Swedish Minister of Rural Affairs, Peter Kullgren, and the Secretary General of the Nordic Council of Ministers, Karen Ellemann and featured 12 speakers from a wide range of areas connected to different fields of genetic resources. About 140 participants attended the conference on-site in Malmö and almost 160 registered for the online streaming. 

    The conference’s morning session provided reports from the recent COP16 deliberations in Cali, Colombia followed by lectures and discussions on how climate change affects the Nordic region and how NordGen and genetic resource sin general can contribute to climate adaptation and the green transition. The afternoon sessions included insights from the business side, plant breeders, researchers etc. and provided several examples of how genetic resources contribute to a more sustainable, resilient and efficient society.

    The key takeaways from the conference were that genetic resources are excellent tools for the green transition. However, the Nordic collaboration needs to be maintained and communication accelerated to reach viable change.

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  • Et resilient Arktis Nordens Arktisk Program 2025-20272025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [da]

    Nordens Arktis Program 2025-2027 vil have et særligt fokus på at sikre sociale, økonomiske og klima resiliente lokalsamfund i Arktis. Med fokus på stærke civilsamfund, bæredygtig økonomisk vækst og stabile grønne energiløsninger, vil programmet støtte lokale initiativer og partnerskaber, der inspirerer til øget robusthed i Arktis. Via Nordens Arktis Program 2025-2027 støtter Nordisk Ministerråd innovative arktiske projekter i tråd med Vision 2030.

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  • A Resilient Arctic Nordic Arctic Programme 2025–20272025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic Arctic Programme 2025–2027 aims to support socially, economically, and environmentally resilient Arctic communities. By promoting robust civil societies, sustainable economic growth, and green transitions, the programme aims to support local initiatives and partnerships that inspire resilience across the Nordic-Arctic region. Through this programme the Nordic Council of Ministers will back innovative Arctic projects aligned with the 2030 Vision.

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  • Sildever, Sirje
    et al.
    Edvardsen, Bente
    Egge, Elianne
    Engesmo, Anette
    Harðardóttir, Sara
    Jacobsen, Ása
    Jakobsen, Hans
    Jurgensone, Iveta
    Karlson, Bengt
    Kremp, Anke
    Laamanen, Tiina
    Lehtinen, Sirpa
    Majaneva, Markus
    Meissner, Kristian
    Mertens, Kenneth
    Nagai, Satoshi
    Olsen, Erna Lava
    Probert, Ian
    Pärt, Kristian
    Rünk, Nelli
    Sassenhagen, Ingrid
    Suikkanen, Sanna
    Terre-Terrillon, Aouregan
    Torstensson, Anders
    Vuorio, Kristiina
    Reliable environmental DNA detection of planktonic biodiversity: Minimum sample volume for DNA metabarcoding2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Environmental DNA-based detection has become an attractive method for determining biodiversity as it can provide more detailed information than traditional morphology-based approaches. Despite the availability of several guidelines, the workflow for marine environments has yet to be standardised. This complicates the comparison between samples across different monitoring programmes and projects. This project focused on the first step of the workflow – determining and standardising the minimum reliable sample volume needed to detect phytoplankton diversity. A test with four sample volumes (1000, 500, 200, 20 mL) was conducted with samples collected from the Baltic and North Seas and NW Atlantic Ocean. Across the studied samples, 200 mL was identified as a sufficient volume to detect various species. This represents an important first step towards standardising the eDNA-based approach. 

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  • Hostrup Langkjær, Nicolaj
    et al.
    Schack, Rikke
    Kanafani, Kai (Contributor)
    Lambrecht Ipsen, Kikki (Contributor)
    Ryberg, Morten (Contributor)
    Collin, Christine (Contributor)
    Joelsson, Anna (Contributor)
    Sjöberg, Inga (Contributor)
    Hansen, Sofie (Contributor)
    Cochard, Karin (Contributor)
    Kyllingstad, Marie (Contributor)
    Nöjd, Kari (Contributor)
    Virolainen, Elina (Contributor)
    Oviir, Anni (Contributor)
    LCA Support.
    Kjeld, Alexandra (Contributor)
    Thorlacius, Sigurður Loftur (Contributor)
    Brynjarsson, Björgvin (Contributor)
    Low-Carbon Clinics: Practical experience with carbon reduction initiatives from building projects in the Nordic countries2025Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The Low Carbon Clinics report is a part of the Nordic Sustainable Construction programme. The primary objective of this report is to share best practices for decarbonisation in the construction industry through clinics hosted by local experts. 

    The clinics addressed real-life challenges and potential solutions for decarbonisation, involving preliminary discussions, in-person consultations and follow-up consultations. 11 clinics were conducted, covering diverse building typologies from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. 

    The report also provides a library of tools and industry knowledge available in each country to assist professionals in implementing low-carbon practices effectively.

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  • Lundgren, Anna
    et al.
    Brynteson, Maja
    Bogason, Ágúst
    Giacometti, Alberto
    Granath Hansson, Anna
    Salonen, Hilma
    Moodie, John
    Reaping the Benefits of Nordic Collaboration in Regional Development: Final report from the Nordic Thematic Group for Green, Innovative and Resilient Regions within the Nordic Co-operation Programme for Regional Development and Planning 2021-20242025Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This final report captures four years of accumulated work by the Nordic Thematic Group for Green, Innovative, and Resilient Regions (2021–2024). Research topics include green innovation systems, remote work post-pandemic, competence mobility, socially sustainable tourism, and collaborative leadership. The thematic group operates under the Nordic Co-operation Programme for Regional Development and Planning (2021–2024), with the following objectives: (1) Generate new knowledge on regional green, innovative, and resilient development. (2) Act as a knowledge exchange hub for regional stakeholders. (3) Contribute to the Nordic vision through research dissemination and policy dialogue.

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