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  • 1. Ahonen, Hanna-Mari
    Exploring practical experience of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) requirements: Report from the side event at the COP18 in Doha, Qatar on 3.12.20122013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    NOAK and NEFCO organised a side event on NAMAs and MRV requirements during the UN climate conference at COP18 in Doha, Qatar on 3.12.2012. There are different opinions on what the minimum requirements on MRV systems for NAMAs should be and what the role of the UNFCCC would be in this regard. Issues have also been raised on whether there should be a differentiation in the MRV system between the different types of NAMAs. The aim of the side event was to explore practical experience on the issue, both from on-going initiatives and from the donors. This report first presents briefly the key concepts NAMA and MRV, then discusses each presentation and finally draws a summary on the observations and lessons emerging from the side event.

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  • 2. Andersen, Lizzi
    et al.
    Jacobsen, Jens Bjørn
    Lundqvist, Per
    Johansen, Marius
    Johansen, Marius
    Kirkeby, Janus
    Plastic Sorting at Recycling Centres, v.12014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This is a guideline for plastic sorting at recycling centres. The aim is to assist the management of recycling centres in their choices in order to collect plastic of better quality and in greater quantities. Potential plastic categories are listed and described together with Issues to take into account when choosing how to organise the collection at the recycling centre.The report is part of the Nordic Prime Ministers' initiative: “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth” – Read also more in the web magazine “Green Growth the Nordic Way” at

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  • 3. Antvik, Gunilla
    et al.
    Lundbergh, Ivar
    Kemikaliefrågor i den nordiska miljö- och klimatsektorns samarbetsprogram 2019–2024: – rapport från en workshop med nordiska kemikaliemyndigheter2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    I denna rapport redovisas förslag till samarbetsfrågor inom kemikalieområdet inför utvecklingen av det nordiska samarbetsprogrammet för klimat och miljö 2019–2024. Rapporten är resultatet av en workshop i november 2017 då chefer och experter vid nordiska kemikaliemyndigheter diskuterade strategiskt viktiga områden inom kemikaliekontrollen på nationell nivå, i Norden, i EU och i ett internationellt perspektiv för 2019-2024 samt i ett längre perspektiv för att bidra till att uppfylla målen i Agenda 2030.

    Punkterna i kemikalieavsnittet i Miljöhandlingsprogrammet 2013-2018 ansågs fortsatt relevanta för nya huvudtemat ”Kemikalier – miljö och hälsa” och nya frågor identifierades. Kemikaliefrågor ansågs vara viktiga även för det nya programmets övriga huvudteman: Cirkulär ekonomi, Klimat och luft, Biologisk mångfald samt Kust och hav. Rapporten innehåller förslag på sådana frågor.

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  • 4. Arm, Maria
    et al.
    Wik, Ola
    Engelse, Christian J.
    Erlandsson, Martin
    Sundqvist, Jan-Olov
    Oberender, Anke
    Hjelmar, Ole
    Wahlström, Margareta
    ENCORT-CDW: Evaluation of the European recovery target for construction and demolition waste2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The present EU target for recovery of construction and demolition waste does not promote sustainability. Interpretations of waste and recovery definitions rather than resource efficiency and safe handling affect the monitoring. The general weight-based target has to be altered to favour recycling of resource-rich materials, not only of high weight materials. High grade recycling should be distinguished and prioritized to ensure safe recovery. This requires improved knowledge on waste generation and handling as well as on emissions of dangerous substances. A common Nordic approach is advocated.

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  • 5. Asikainen, Anna
    et al.
    Stadelmann, Martin
    Mobilizing private finance for climate action in the global South: Nordic experiences and the way forward2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Since 2009, the Nordic countries have increased their efforts to support developing economies in the mobilization of private finance. It is now time to take stock of the success stories. Regardless of the progress, several barriers limit the Nordic ability to scale up private climate finance even more. This brief presents ideas for addressing some of these the barriers and increasing the ambition in mobilizing private finance, including considerations on de-risking solutions and the applicability of Article 6 under the Paris Agreement. The brief was produced as part of the Nordic Public-Private Platform on Mobilization of Climate Finance Mobilization, and ahead of the global climate conference in Katowice, December 2018. It builds on previous studies funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, such as “Mobilizing climate finance flows – Nordic approaches and opportunities”.

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  • 6. Askew, Peter
    Efficacy Assessment of Treated Articles: A guidance2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report provides guidance how to test efficacy of articles or material treated with biocides. There are two major groups: The first where the treatment is intended to protect the article itself. To prove efficacy, the material/article has to be tested against an untreated variant. In the second group, the treatment is intended to introduce new properties, e.g. to provide hygienic or insect repellency-functions. The problem which the treatment is intended to solve needs to be shown on the untreated article under normal conditions of use. This way, the benefit of the treatment can be shown.

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  • 7. Asselt, Harro van
    et al.
    Sælen, Håkon
    Pauw, Pieter
    Assessment and Review under a 2015 Climate Change Agreement: Lessons Learned and Ways Forward2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In 2013, Parties to the UNFCCC were invited to prepare and communicate their Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) under a 2015 agreement. Assessment and review of INDCs can help to ensure that these contributions are in line with internationally agreed objectives and principles, help establish and enhance transparency, trust and accountability between Parties, and raise ambition over time.

     This report analyses the existing review processes both under and outside the UNFCCC. It suggests that some form of ex ante assessment and review process of INDCs could help ensure that they are ambitious and fair. Such process can be complemented by assessments by observer organizations and informal discussions among Parties. In addition, a periodic review of collective ambition is desirable from the perspective of environmental effectiveness, and can build on existing review processes.

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  • 8. Asselt, Harro van
    et al.
    Sælen, Håkon
    Pauw, Pieter
    From Lima to Paris, and Beyond: Options for Ex Ante Assessment of Intended Nationally Determined Contributions under the UNFCCC2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A crucial question in the development of a new climate change agreement centres on the “intended nationally determined contributions” (INDCs) that parties have agreed to communicate before the COP 21 in Paris in December 2015. This paper explores options for the design, organization and timing of the ex ante assessment process of the INDCs. It identifies key choices to be made in Lima, and the implications of these choices for the road to Paris. Finally, it discusses the implications of the design, organization and timing of the assessment for future review processes under a Paris agreement.

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  • 9. Benediktsdóttir, Ingibjörg Ólöf
    et al.
    Gíslason, Stefán
    Eldra fólk og loftslagsmál – Báðum til gagns: Yfirlit yfir starf og samstarf eldra fólks á Norðurlöndunum á sviði loftslagsmála2023Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [is]

    Hér birtast niðurstöður fyrsta hluta af þremur í norræna verkefninu Eldra fólk og loftslagsmál – báðum til gagns, sem unnið er af Environice fyrir íslenska umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðuneytið í samvinnu við félags- og vinnumarkaðsráðuneytið. Verkefnið er hluti af formennskuáætlun Íslands fyrir Norrænu ráðherranefndina og er fjármagnað af ráðherranefndinni.

    Þessi fyrsti hluti inniheldur yfirlit yfir starfandi samtök eldra fólks á Norðurlöndunum, sem helga sig baráttunni gegn loftslagsbreytingum, en slík samtök eru starfandi í Noregi, Svíþjóð, Finnlandi og Danmörku.

    Skjalið sem hér birtist hefur öðru fremur þann tilgang að nýtast á norrænni málstofu eldra fólks um loftslagsmál, sem haldin verður í Reykjavík í lok september 2023.

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  • 10. Benediktsdóttir, Ingibjörg Ólöf
    et al.
    Gíslason, Stefán
    Seniors and Climate Issues - For the Benefit of Both: A summary of the work and cooperation of seniors in the Nordic countries in the field of climate issues2023Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    This document contains the results from the first of three parts of the Nordic project Aging and climate - for the benefit of both, which is carried out by Environice for the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate in Reykjavík in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. The project is part of Iceland's presidency program for the Nordic Council of Ministers and is financed by the Council.

    This first part contains an overview of elderly organizations in the Nordic countries which are dedicated to the fight against climate change, but such organizations are active in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark.

    The document shown here will be used as a basis for a Nordic seminar on older people and climate issues, which will be held in Reykjavík at the end of September 2023.

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  • 11. Benediktsdóttir, Ingibjörg Ólöf
    et al.
    Gíslason, Stefán
    Ældre mennesker og klimaet – Gavn for begge: Opsummering af allerede eksisterende aktiviteter og netværk i de nordiske lande2023Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [da]

    Dette dokument indeholder resultaterne fra den første af tre dele af det nordiske projekt Ældre og klima - til gavn for begge, som udføres af Environice for Miljø-, Energi- og Klimaministeriet i Reykjavík i samarbejde med Social- og arbejdsmarkedsministeriet. Projektet er en del af Islands formandskabsprogram for Nordisk Ministerråd og er finansieret af Ministerrådet.

    Denne første del indeholder en oversigt over ældreorganisationer i de nordiske lande, som er dedikeret til kampen mod klimaforandringer, men sådanne organisationer er aktive i Norge, Sverige, Finland og Danmark.

    Dokumentet, der vises her, kommer at blive brugt som et underlag på et nordisk seminar om ældre folk og klimaspørgsmål, som afholdes i Reykjavík i slutningen af september 2023.

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  • 12. Bergman, Per
    Verifying the Efficacy of Biocidal Products and Treated Articles: - a comparative study of regulatory techniques2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    One requirement in the biocides regulation (528/2012/EU) is that the efficacy of the biocidal product has to be demonstrated when applying for approval. It has to be shown that the product really has the intended effect on the harmful organism. How such a requirement will affect the marketing of articles treated with biocides is an interesting question that is discussed in the report. The study aims at giving an overview of different types of efficacy requirements in the biocidal rules but also and in other types of neighbouring regulations.

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  • 13. Berjlund, David
    Nordiska samarbetet för barn och unga: -historien om hur samarbetet växte fram2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Om Norden, 1900-talets demokratiska genombrott och folkligt samarbete över nationsgränser som förutsättning och bakgrund till både det officiella nordiska samarbetet och barn- och ungdomsfrågornas betydelse.

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  • 14. Berlina, Anna
    et al.
    Trubin, Alexey
    Bioeconomy in Northwest Russian region: Forest- and waste-based bioeconomy in the Arkhangelsk region, Russia2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This study is one of the outcomes of the project ‘Nordic-Russian bioeconomy pre-study’ financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2017. This study provides an overview of the current status and support framework for a bioeconomy in the Arkhangelsk region, Russia. It presents some key institutions and stakeholders in driving bioeconomy development in the region, and analyzes challenges and opportunities in transition to a bioeconomy. Finally, it highlights some topics of interest for the Nordic-Russian business and research collaboration in the field of forest- and waste-based bioeconomy based on the discussions with the Russian and Nordic stakeholders.

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  • 15. Beronius, Anna
    et al.
    Ågerstrand, Marlene
    Rudén, Christina
    Hanberg, Annika
    SciRAP workshop report: Bridging the gap between academic research and chemicals regulation - the SciRAP tool for evaluating toxicity and ecotoxicity data for risk assessment of chemicals2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This is a report from a Nordic workshop on the SciRAP tools and their application in regulatory hazard and risk assessment, which was organised in Stockholm in November 2016. Thirty-one experts in toxicology and ecotoxicology from authorities and academia in the five Nordic countries attended the workshop. Participant presentations concerning specific issues and challenges in evaluating data for regulatory assessments of chemicals, as well as a pre-workshop exercise using the SciRAP tools provided the basis for discussions. Overall, the conclusion was that the SciRAP tools are useful to Nordic authorities when evaluating (eco)toxicity studies for hazard and risk assessment. Improvements to the SciRAP tools and website were suggested. The outcome of the workshop will be useful in moving forward and making further developments to the SciRAP tools to meet end-users’ needs.

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  • 16. Blom, Cécile
    et al.
    Hanssen, Linda
    Analysis of per- and polyfluorinated substances in articles2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Per- and polyfluorinated chemicals (PFAS) make up a large group of substances that have been used for decades. There has been increasing focus on this group of substances as some of them have shown to be extremely persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic. There is however, a large number of these compounds in use and for many of them there is little knowledge about the health and environmental properties. This project is a follow up of a NORAP project from 2012 where the main conclusion was the limited knowledge of which perfluorinated substances are used, and in what amounts. Our aim for this study was thus to gather more information on the use and the incidence of these substances in some every-day products

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  • 17. Blomqvist, Lovisa
    Nordsyn Slutrapport 2015: Nordiskt marknadskontrollsamarbete kring ekodesign och energimärkning2016Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Nordsyn är ett nordiskt samarbete kring marknadskontroll/tillsyn av ekodesign och energimärkning. Inom Nordsyn har ett samarbete kring informationsutbyte, implementering och testresultat byggts upp, samt viktiga studier genomförts och informationsmaterial tagits fram. Nordsyns Effektprojekt visar att marknadskontrollen är mycket kostnadseffektiv, särskilt när länder samarbetar. Resultat från studier och informationsmaterial från Nordsyn kan med fördel användas även av övriga EU/EES-länder för att förbättra marknadskontrollen. Denna slutrapport presenterar kortfattat Nordsyn 2013-2015. Mer information, delrapporter och informationsmaterial finns på

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  • 18. Borg, Daniel
    et al.
    Ivarsson, Jenny
    Andersson, Alicja
    Moore, Gregory
    Nordic Workshop on PFASs: Outcomes2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The “Nordic workshop on joint strategies for per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs)” was hosted by the Swedish Chemicals Agency in Stockholm, Sweden on 5-6 April, 2017.The aim of the workshop was to gather scientific and regulatory experts, identify common issues related to PFASs, recommend priorities and steps/strategies forwards and facilitate continued information exchange and cooperation. Participants consisted primarily of Nordic delegates but also representatives from other regions and arenas e.g. the European Commission, the EEA, the ECHA PFAS network.Conclusions discussed at the workshop can be considered as being supported by the several Nordic agencies and non-Nordic agencies.The outcomes of the workshop are detailed in this short communication and concern both general and specific considerations

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  • 19. Bruvoll, Annegrete
    Green Economy: Recent work by the Nordic Council of Ministers2012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic Council of Ministers has a long tradition for highlighting solutions to theenvironmental challenges in their working groups, research programs and publications.This reports aim to summarize some of the recent work on greater resource efficiencyand greener economic growth and development in the Nordic countries, including corebackground documents from the Nordic Council of Ministers, The Nordic primeministers’ Working Group for Green Growth, and the EU, research studies related togreen growth financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Oslo conference onGreen economic growth held in March 2012. The report was commissioned by theNordic Council of Ministers, with Øyvind Lone, chair of its Working Group onEnvironment and Economy, as contact person.

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  • 20. Bugge, Heidi Belinda
    et al.
    Nicolaisen, Karl-Oskar
    Ecolabelled Textiles in the Nordic Countries: Promoting the supply of textiles ecolabelled with the official ecolabels - English Summary to Nordic Working Paper2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The textile industry is one of the world's largest industries. The fashion and textile industry is also one of the most polluting and resource-consuming industries in the world. Ecolabels such as the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel can play an important role in reducing the environmental impact of textiles purchased in Nordic countries. The project aims to identify barriers to more ecolabelled textiles on the Nordic consumer market and initiate activities and actions to remedy these. The project has also taken a global perspective, identifying how producers in e.g. India and Turkey can be encouraged to engage in eco-labelling. The study was financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers and carried out by Nordic Ecolabelling with a subgroup of the Nordic Sustainable Consumption and Production group (HKP) as steering group

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  • 21. Carlsson, Staffan
    et al.
    Gustavsson, Lennart
    Johansson, Mathias
    Persson, Henrik
    Andersen, Jes Sig
    Bjerrum, Max
    Andersen, Kim Sig
    Hvidberg, René Borch
    Measurements of emissions of EC, OC and other pollutants from residential wood combustion in the Nordic countries2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Measurements of emissions of EC, OC, CH4, NMVOC and PM2.5 from domestic biomass combustion in the Nordic countries have been made, covering ten central heating boilers and nine residential heaters. BC emissions expressed as Elemental Carbon (EC) varied between 0,5 and 35 mg/MJ for boilers and between 3 and 122 mg/MJ for heaters. PM2,5 emissions varied between 14 and 1975 mg/MJ for boilers and between 35 and 821 mg/MJ for heaters. This work was conducted within the Nordic Council of Minister´s project “Improved emission inventories of Short Lived Climate Pollutants, SLCP”. The work was performed by SP Technical Research Institute in cooperation with Teknologisk Institut, Denmark.The results presented here comprise the technical basis for emission factors developed and reported in TN2017:570

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  • 22. Dalhammar, Carl
    et al.
    Machacek, Erika
    Bundgaard, Anja Marie
    Zacho, Kristina Overgaard
    Remmen, Arne
    Policy Brief: Addressing resource efficiency through the Ecodesign Directive - A review of opportunities and barriers2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Recommendations for Nordic policymakers:Resource related ecodesign obligations will be a necessary part of the future policy mix, though not all parts of the policy puzzle is yet in place. The Nordic policymakers can begin processes in order to realise strategic opportunities. Examples of such policies would be to continue the development of resource efficiency criteria in the Nordic eco-labelling and public procurement in order to pave the way for an uptake in EU eco-labelling and in the Ecodesign Directive. By continuously developing resource related criteria in voluntary policy instruments a platform for legal standard setting will be created that can be applied for ecodesign. See also the main report Addressing resource efficiency through the Ecodesign Directive - A review of opportunities and barriers at

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  • 23. Dalsgaard, Hjørdis
    Nordisk samarbejde om bådebyggeruddannelsen2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [da]

    I denne kortlægning af mulighederne for et mere formaliseret samarbejde om bådebyggeruddannelserne i Norge,Danmark og Island er det blevet tydeligt, at der i de faglige miljøer er stor velvilje over for og forhåbninger tildette. Fokus har været på de mange fordele ved og muligheder i et mere tæt samarbejde:Bevare og videreudvikle et lille håndværksfag.Innovative og gensidigt inspirerende uddannelsesmiljøer i de deltagende lande.Styrke den internationale dimension i uddannelsen – både i Norge, Danmark og Island.Øget kvalitet i uddannelsen - de bedste traditioner fra alle deltagende lande.Etablerer og udbygger de faglige netværk på tværs af landene.Øget rekruttering (i alle lande) som følge af mere fokus på uddannelsen.

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  • 24. Eneroth, Hanna
    et al.
    Gunnlaugsdóttir, Helga
    Ilbäck, Nils-Gunnar
    Lillegaard, Inger Therese Laugsand
    Poulsen, Morten
    Rönnqvist, Maria
    Risk-benefit assessment of food: Report from a Nordic workshop September 20162017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The main purpose of this workshop held in Uppsala, Sweden 22-23 September 2016 was to initiate Nordic collaboration on risk-benefit assessment of foods.

    The importance of assessing both risks and benefits with foods to improve public health through appropriate dietary habits was emphasized. Risk-benefit assessments are resource demanding, and the methodological challenges extensive. Workshop participants decided to jointly develop this area further within the Nordic region and a Nordic risk-benefit group was formed.

    This report summarizes the presentations from invited speakers (Hans Verhagen, EFSA, Géraldine Boué, ONIRIS-INRA, France and Maarten Nauta, Denmark Technical University), the reports of ongoing risk-benefit activities in the Nordic countries and the discussions on topics and modes of future collaboration.

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  • 25. Evans, Sverker
    et al.
    Morf, Andrea
    Ekenger, Mats
    Bruk och förvaltning av de nordiska havsområdena – i dag och i morgon: Resultat och rekommendationer från en workshop om havsplanering, Tórshavn, Färöarna, 14-16 november 20112012Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Bruk och förvaltning av de nordiska havsområdena – i dag och i morgon

    Resultat och rekommendationer från en workshop om havsplanering, Tórshavn, Färöarna, 14-16 november 2011

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  • 26. Fagt, S.
    et al.
    Andersen, LF.
    Barbieri, HE.
    Borodulin, K.
    Thorgeirsdottir, H.
    Trolle, E.
    Matthiessen, J.
    The Nordic Monitoring System: Basis for decision on 3rd data collection2021Report (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A Nordic working group was established in 2007 with the aim to describe a future Nordic Monitoring System on diet, physical activity and overweight. The system was validated in 2009 and in 2011 and 2014, the first data collections took place. 

    The Nordic Monitoring Group has discussed future developments of the monitoring system based on experience from the first two data collections. The Nordic Monitoring Group has described how results from the monitoring have been communicated and used for several purposes.

    The current Nordic working paper sums up the deliveries from the Nordic Monitoring System and points forward to a new data collection.

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  • 27. Fagt, S
    et al.
    Andersen, LF
    Birgisdóttir, BE
    Kaartinen, N
    Warensjö Lemming, E
    Lindroos, AK
    Ólafsdóttir, AS
    Rautanen, J
    Sipinen, JP
    Þorgeirsdóttir, H
    Trolle, E
    Valsta, L
    Biltoft-Jensen, A
    Nordic network on dietary survey methodology 2019-20202021Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In 2019, the Nordic network on dietary surveys compared results regarding 24 h recalls, if the method was used in a systematic Nordic set up. A standardized central food list for 7 days was entered into national nutrients calculation systems and the intakes of individual food groups and nutrients on each day and as a daily average of the 7 days were compared. 

    Results were presented at an online workshop on November 20th, 2020. In addition to the country specific presentations of the analysis, each country also gave a presentation on the latest national dietary survey. 

    Despite standardized input, there were many differences in the results. The presentations on national dietary surveys showed differences and similarities of conducting dietary surveys and elucidated a lot of the common challenges researchers face. Many topics could be further elucidated on future network meetings.

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  • 28. Fauser, P.
    et al.
    Plejdrup, M.
    Ketzel, M.
    Hertel, O.
    Loft, S.
    Gidhagen, L.
    Omstedt, G.
    Skårman, T.
    Kittilsen, M.
    Walker, S-E.
    Schwarze, P.
    Karvosenoja, N.
    Kukkonen, J.
    Karppinen, A.
    Pukkala, E.
    Salonen, R.
    Emissions and air exposure of carcinogens and co-carcinogens in four Nordic countries2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This project (KoL 12-08) was performed for the Climate and Air Quality Group (KlimaogLuftgruppen, KoL), Nordic Council of Ministers by atmospheric emission, exposureand epidemiology experts from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Emission inventory methods and exposure models were presented. A list of carcinogenic andco-carcinogenic pollutants (particles, heavy metals and organic compounds) emittedfrom energy production, industrial activities, road transport, navigation, agriculture, residential heating and product use was compiled. Pollutant emissions levels for 2010and trends for 1990 to 2010 were compiled and discussed, and modelled andmeasured atmospheric concentrations for 2010 were compiled on regional, urbanand local scales. Nordic maps of emissions and air concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, NOx,NMVOC, benzene, BaP, dioxin, cadmium and nickel were compiled for allaggregated main sources, traffic and residential wood combustion. An overview of local studies on exposure for cities or communities with emphasis on wood combustion and traffic and a discussion of existing epidemiological studies on cancer and environment were given.

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  • 29. Fliflet, Arne
    Samarbeid mellom nordiske ombudsmenn: De nordiske parlamentariske ombudsmannsinstitusjoner og løsningen på grenseoverskridende juridiske problemer2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [no]

    Arne Fliflet har fulgt op på ”Strategi og handlingsplan for nordisk mobilitet 2014-2017” og udredt de juridiske forudsætninger og behovet for et nordisk grænsehindringsombud. Spørgsmålet har tidligere været udredt. Det blev ikke bedømt som farbart, at oprette egentlige nye strukturer. Det har resulteret i et ønske om at få udarbejdet en betænkning, der beskriver behovet for et styrket samarbejde mellem Ombudsmandsinstitutionerne og de juridiske forudsætninger.

    Betænkningen gennemgår: mandat for opgaven, definitioner på grænsehindringer, betydningen af Helsingforsaftalen, arbejdet med grænsehindringer, mulighederne for at inddrage ombudsmandsinstitutionerne i arbejdet, det retlige grundlag for institutionernes arbejde, ombudsmændenes opgaver, særtræk ved forvaltnings- og domstolsordningen i de nordiske lande, de karakteristiske træk ved grænsehindringer og budgetmæssige konsekvenser.

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  • 30. Fråne, Anna
    et al.
    Stenmarck, Åsa
    Gíslason, Stefán
    Løkke, Søren
    Rüdenhausen, Malin zu Castell
    Raadal, Hanne L
    Wahlström, Margareta
    Guidelines to increased collection of plastic packaging waste from households: Background information2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This working paper contains background information to the guideline "Increased Collection of plastic packaging waste from households". More facts about the existing collection systems for plastic packaging waste from households used in the Nordic countries is found as well as information about the aspects considered in the guidelines. The actual guidelines are presented in a separate document.

    The report is part of the Nordic Prime Ministers' green growth initiative: “The Nordic Region – leading in green growth”. Read more in the web magazine “Green Growth the Nordic Way” at or at

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  • 31. Gíslason, Stefán
    et al.
    Hallfreðsdóttir, Salome
    Roadmap for sustainable consumption and production in Nordic small communities2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic countries rank high in reports on the progress towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, SDG12 on sustainable consumption and production is still a major challenge for the region. Small Nordic communities face the same tasks as big cities regarding this, but they do not have the same capacity to develop strategies and may also need different solutions. To address this, the Icelandic presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers initiated a project to support small communities in their implementation of SDG12. This report contains ideas and examples from a workshop in late 2019 with representatives from municipalities in Åland Islands, Faroe Islands, Greenland and Iceland. It also contains hints from other sources and gives a short historical overview of the concepts in question, with a special emphasis on the challenges facing small Nordic communities.

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  • 32.
    Gíslason, Stefán
    et al.
    Environice environmental consultancy.
    Stefánsdóttir, Birgitta
    Environice environmental consultancy.
    Hallsdóttir, Birna S
    Environice environmental consultancy.
    Plastic in the marine environment2015Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    The Environment Agency of Iceland hosted a conferencé on plastics in the marine environment in Reykjavík, Iceland on the 24th of September 2014. The conference aimed to give an overview of existing knowledge on the issue and to identify reasonable and effective measures to minimize plastic waste in the marine environment. Plastics can have direct impact on animals, both through entanglement and ingestion, which will alter the biological and ecological performance of individuals. It also affects biota.

    It is clear from the discussion that the lack of action cannot be blamed on lack of information or lack of available tools. Discussion points from the parallel sessions included “no more talking – time for action”. The problem lies in the way plastics are consumed and the way consumers relate to plastics as the material has become less durable and seemingly less valuable.

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  • 33. Halonen, Mikko
    et al.
    Sjöblom, Henrik
    Greening the financial system: Nordic experiences and the way forward2018Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In recent years, Nordic actors have illustrate leadership in mobilizing private finance for climate compatible investments with, for example, Nordic joint finance institutions and development finance institutions (DFIs) as key contributors.  Greening the financial system - Nordic experiences and ways forward highlights some lessons learned by the Nordics. It also reviews Nordic experiences in light of the recent global agreements and commitments, with a particular view on how the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the on-going EU work on sustainable finance can help accelerate action. The brief was produced as part of the Nordic Public-Private Platform on Mobilization of Climate Finance that brought together leading Nordic actors through four thematic issues groups.

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  • 34. Hamro-Drotz, Dennis
    et al.
    Brüning, Kristian
    Nordic Climate Finance Opportunities: The NCF Case Study2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The goal of reaching an ambitious globally binding climate agreement by 2015 is one of the key challenges that the international community needs to address. Issues on how private finance can be linked to public funding structures to ensure sufficient funding for mitigation and adaptation activities, and how technology transfer could work as part of climate finance continue to be key topics in the upcoming climate negotiations.This report focuses on the current Nordic climate finance landscape, and uses the Nordic Climate Facility (NCF) as a case study, to offer examples of and lessons learned from practical Nordic climate actions that can be used in on-going and future climate negotiations. The report concludes with eight targeted recommendations that highlight key points and lessons learned that can be used for replication and scaling up of future climate actions.

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  • 35. Hanninen, Oskari
    NORDIC ANTIFOULING PROJECT A follow-up of the MAMPEC workshop from 2017: Adjustment of the environment input parameters for more realistic values2019Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    MAMPEC (Marine Antifoulant Model to Predict Environmental Concentrations) is a commonly used model in EU antifouling (biocidal product type 21) exposure assessment. Several scenarios, e.g. EU regional marina scenarios (Excel Tool scenarios) and the EU fishnet scenario, have been developed in MAMPEC in order to harmonize the environmental risk assessment of antifouling products in the EU.

    The aim of the project was to determine representative values for certain input parameters in the Excel Tool Baltic and the Excel Tool Baltic transition scenarios. In addition, it was decided to evaluate the suitability of the EU fish net scenario for risk assessment in the Baltic Sea area. The project was conducted in cooperation between Nordic biocide authorities from Finland, Denmark Sweden and Norway.

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  • 36.
    Harrison, Nicholas
    et al.
    Bartlett, Nicolette
    Block, Kornelis
    Gardiner, Ann
    Levin, Kelly
    Elliott, Cynthia
    Tracking International Cooperative Initiatives2015Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    It is widely acknowledged that the greenhouse gas emissions reduction pledges made by national governments are insufficient to achieve what is required by science to avoid dangerous levels of global warming. In parallel to the formal climate negotiations, a multitude of international cooperative initiatives (ICIs) are now engaging in efforts to address the growing emissions gap.

    A database and web platform have been developed that presents the most current and comprehensive publically available collection of information on ICIs in operation. The web platform includes details of more than 180 mitigation-focused initiatives that have the potential for impact at the global scale. The project also makes recommendations for continuing support for the database and additional activities to support an increasing use of the database to inform negotiators and other stakeholders.

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  • 37. Haug, Line Småstuen
    et al.
    Thomsen, Cathrine
    Sakhi, Amrit Kaur
    Chemical exposure via the environment: Report from a NEXPO Workshop on human exposure to chemicals via the environment2017Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    Humans are exposed directly to chemicals in occupational settings and as consumers, but also indirectly due to contamination of the environment through air, food and drinking water. The report is the final product of a workshop in Oslo 2017 organised by the Nordic Exposure Group (NEXPO) in close cooperation with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The report includes a summary of the presentations given at the workshop, a list of available resources, the discussion points raised in the groups and plenary as well as the recommendations for improvements in guidance and tools for future assessments. The recommendations particularly point out a need for extending the ECHA guidance on Humans exposed indirectly via the environment.

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  • 38. Haukås, Hans T.
    et al.
    Pachai, Alexander Cohr
    Information sheets on natural refrigerants2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This set of information sheets is an updated version of “Information sheets on natural refrigerants” published by the Nordic Chemicals Group in 2008. It consists of 31 information sheets on natural refrigerants, covering a broad field of technical information. Natural refrigerants may already replace the group of potent greenhouse gases called HFCs for a number of applications, and the technology is under continuous improvement. The use of natural refrigerants differ from using HFCs in many ways, affecting a variety of aspects related to system design and operation, safety requirements etc. The objective of these information sheets is to provide information about the possibilities and limitations related to these fluids, and to make technical knowhow and practical experience available for system designers and installers, in order to promote more use of natural refrigerants.

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  • 39. Heino, Jani
    et al.
    Heikkinen, Risto K.
    Höjer, Olle
    Jakovlev, Jevgeni
    Kryshen, Aleksandr
    Mikkola, Jyri
    Mikkonen, Ninni
    Paz von Friesen, Carlos
    Virkkala, Raimo
    Improving ecological connectivity in boreal forests of the Barents region: Background, issues and recommendations2019Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [en]

    All Nordic countries are committed to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the CBD Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. According to the CBD Aichi Targets, areas of particular importance for biodiversity and ecosystem services should be protected through ecologically representative and well-connected systems of protected areas as well as other effective area-based conservation measures. The ecosystems of the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and North-West Russia are very diverse and unique even globally. This region is characterized by extensive boreal forests and vast areas of tundra, intermingled by various freshwater bodies. Climate change and loss of natural habitats due to intensive land-use and unsustainable use of natural resources are the most serious threats to biodiversity in this region, also called the Barents Region.

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  • 40. Heinälä, Milla
    et al.
    Stockmann-Juvala, Helene
    CLP Regulation and nanomaterial classification – a preliminary review of GHS and possible problem identification: Nordic Stakeholder Survey on Nanomaterial Hazard Classification and Labelling.2014Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The Nordic Classification Group under the auspices of the Nordic Chemical Group/Nordic Council of Ministers has carried out a web-based survey to gain information on the view and practical experience of Nordic stakeholders on the applicability of UN GHS and the EU CLP regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures in relation to nanomaterials. The aim of the project was to identify potential challenges concerning classification and labeling due to the unique and complex characteristics of nanomaterials, and to provide input to the ongoing work in the UN Sub-Committee of Experts on GHS. The main outcomes of the survey are presented in the current report.

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  • 41. Henoch, Nils
    Workshop on Market Based Mechanisms & Results Based Finance: Report from a workshop organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers in co-operation with Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and KfW Development Bank on 11.10.2013 in Stockholm, Sweden2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The following is a debrief note from the international workshop on ‘Market Based Mechanisms and Results Based Finance’ organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers in co-operation with Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) and KfW Development Bank on 11.10.2013 in Stockholm, Sweden.The Nordic Council of Ministers in co-operation with KfW and NEFCO wish to contribute to an increased momentum for market based mechanisms through focused exchange and coordination among potential first movers from the finance sector, European policy makers and further interested key stakeholders.

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  • 42. Hermansen, John E.
    et al.
    Kristensen, Troels
    Sonesson, Ulf
    Woodhouse, Anna
    Pulkkinen, Hannele
    Møller, Hanne
    Life cycle inventory data from farms: Need for secondary and life cycle inventory data for use in Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) of livestock products in The Nordic Countries2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    As part of the Sustainable Production and Consumption strategy, The European Commission is establishing the framework for a harmonised assessment of the environmental impact of products (PEF) based on a life cycle approach. This also includes methodologies for foods, including livestock products. The farming stage is by far the largest contributor to the environmental profile of such foods, so it is important to have sound data representing this stage. This report identifies in a Nordic context what primary farm activity data that is perceived relatively easy to collect and what supplementary data and life cycle inventory analysis data (LCI) that are needed. It is concluded that there is in particular a need for LCI’s for feeds produced in the Nordic countries and for recruitment animals in different livestock systems, and a relevant granularity for such datasets are proposed.

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  • 43. Hjelt, Mari
    et al.
    Sepponen, Susanna
    Moisio, Matleena
    Nurmi, Jenni
    McKinnon, David
    Baxter, John
    Whalen, Katherine
    Gíslason, Stefán
    Low-Carbon Circular Transition in the Nordics: Part II Potential impacts of circular economy in selected areas2022Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The report focuses on identifying, describing, and assessing impacts of circular transition, alongside barriers to development. 

    The following circular economy opportunities were selected for focus: 1) closed loop wood-based textile solutions, 2) new applications for ocean biomass, 3) predictive management supporting circular food-chain solutions, 4) new business models and digital platforms for the minimisation of food loss, 5) models for increased (re)utilisation of buildings, 6) digital platforms supporting circular economy, 7) smart mobility solutions, and 8) circular transport logistics.

    The case studies of the opportunities highlighted general trends as the main drivers manifesting future potential. Furthermore, barriers to releasing the circularity potential were identified in four categories: technology barriers, regulatory barriers, market barriers, and cultural barriers. 

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  • 44. Honkonen, Tuula
    et al.
    Khan, Sabaa A.
    Report from a Nordic Seminar: Global Chemicals and Waste Governance Beyond 2020 | 16-17 January 2017 | Helsinki, Finland2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This report is an outcome of the expert seminar 'Global Chemicals and Wastes Governance Beyond 2020' held on 16-17 January 2017 in Helsinki, Finland. The seminar explored forms and functions for effective global governance of chemicals and wastes beyond 2020. The conclusion was that promising forms for the Post-2020 regime could consist of voluntary approaches or mixed instruments, with both legally-binding and voluntary elements. One specific model for this kind of approach that was explored is the 'National Action Plan' mechanism. Many of the functional elements highlighted include the involvement of all key stakeholders and sectors, the need for an effective science-policy interface, and use of a lifecycle approach. The seminar brought together 50 policy-makers and international experts in the field of international environmental law and global chemicals and wastes governance.

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  • 45. Illman, Julia
    et al.
    Halonen, Mikko
    Rinne, Pasi
    Huq, Saleemul
    Tveitdal, Svein
    Scoping study on financing adaptation-mitigation synergy activities2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    A new scoping study for NOAK sheds light on synergies between climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies, and suggests that Nordic countries place more focus on financing synergies.  The study argues from a financing perspective that there is potential in funding synergistic activities for improving the efficiency of climate change actions. While the landscape of current research remains rather scattered and limited, examples that demonstrate promising potential have been identified in several sectors: agriculture, forestry and land use, energy, infrastructure planning and construction, transportation, insurance, and waste treatment. Synergies are offering solutions to more efficient, responsive and comprehensive climate policy. Activities which genuinely combine climate change adaptation and mitigation perspectives can also result in co-benefits with other goals of sustainable development, the report concludes. The study reveals that no funding instruments with explicit and systematic aims to harness synergies exist to date. However, multiple stakeholders interviewed in the study acknowledge the potential for synergies and assume the existence of these to some extent in several of their activities, suggesting that there is a strong need to dedicate more attention to synergies. The study provides four recommendations: Firstly, it recommends that more empirical research on synergies is conducted to further define and concretize the benefits and challenges - in some cases trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation also exist. Secondly, it is suggested that a review of the funding criteria of relevant climate funds is carried out. Thirdly, it is recommended that the concept of synergies is linked with the climate mainstreaming agenda. Finally, attention should be paid to opportunities to catalyze private sector climate action also in harnessing synergies.

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  • 46. institutt for studier av innovasjon forskning og utdanning (NIFU), Nordisk
    Nordiske masterprogram: Juridiske, finansielle, institusjonelle og praktiske barrierer2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [no]

    Nordisk Ministerråd var initiativtaker og startet opp Nordic Master Programme (NMP) som et pilotprosjekt i 2006. På tross av stor interesse fra fagmiljøer generelt, og gode tilbakemeldinger fra studenter og fagpersonale spesielt, er det juridiske, institusjonelle, finansielle og praktiske forhold som bidrar til å forhindre at NMP realiseres i det omfang og med de kvaliteter som står sentralt bak satsningen. På oppdrag av Nordisk Ministerråd har NIFU gjennomført en utredning av de juridiske, praktiske, institusjonelle og finansielle forhold som fungerer som barrierer for en fullverdig realisering av NMP.

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  • 47. Jakobsen, Line Geest
    et al.
    Neidel, Trine Lund
    Norengaard, Mette
    Affaldshåndtering i småsamfund: Forbedringsforslag, idékatalog2017Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [da]

    Dette projekt har med fokus på genanvendelse, til formål at gøre status for affaldshåndteringen på hhv. Bornholm, Færøerne, Åland og i Grønland. Disse småsamfund har en række særlige udfordringer med hensyn til affaldshåndtering, primært pga. lange transportafstande og relativt begrænsede affaldsmængder. EU har i december 2015 lanceret sin Cirkulære Økonomipakke , der overordnet set skal øge genanvendelsen i Europa og derigennem mindske miljøbelastning og forbrug af jomfruelige ressourcer. I rapporten vurderes affaldshåndteringen i de respektive småsamfund og man komme med forslag til forbedringer, som kan øge genanvendelsen af kommunalt affald i nordiska småsamfund.

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  • 48. Jensen, Niels Riis
    Tourism ecolabels in the Nordics: En kartlegging om hvilke miljømerker som brukes på turistdestinasjoner nasjonalt og forslag til fortsatt arbeid for å fremme nordiske bærekraftige turistdestinasjoner.2016Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Tourism in the Nordic countries has a competitive eco advantage in e.g. strict environmental laws, sustainability destination concepts implemented, flags for clean beaches, certified eco restaurants and accommodation providers eco/sustainability certified. However, there seems to be a need for coordination of efforts done, that very well could also present an opportunity for growth. One option could be to design a sustainable destination system, like in Iceland and Norway. The customer only needs to look for one brand – the destination brand. Another option could be to work with stakeholders and create a platform for ecotourism, like VisitNorways Green Travel. It could include best practices and be used as a marketing channel, in particular for SME’s.

    This report gives you an overview of the different ecolabel tourism systems identified in the Nordic countries and presents a systematic background for the above recommendations.

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  • 49. Jervelund, Christian
    et al.
    Torp Jespersen, Svend
    Bo Hansen, Martin
    Rytter Sunesen, Eva
    Kvantificering af grænsehindringer mellem de nordiske lande: Hvor stort er potentialet ved større integration?2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [da]

    Nordiske arbejdspapirer: Kvantificering af grænsehindringer mellem de nordiske lande. Hvor stort er potentialet ved større integration?

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  • 50. Johansson, Anna
    et al.
    Blomqvist, Lovisa
    Surveillance of energy related products: Final report of the Nordic cooperation in 2012 due to ecodesign and energy labelling with focus on barriers2013Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Cooperation on market surveillance of ecodesign and energy labelling in 2012 focused on barriers. The Ecodesign- and Energy labelling directives and regulations are dependent on good market surveillance. Cooperation is necessary for market surveillance to be efficient on a wide range of products. Countries can benefit from each other’s surveillance tests/checks and together cover more products and models, and in this way increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the market surveillance, which contributes to a fair playing field, technological development and increased competitiveness.

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